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Flying back to the US


Senior Member
Hello I hope everyone is well.I was told by social security in el dorado hills California that I have am April 3rd psyche examination for social security.

Having CFS I was wondering if it's safe to travel back to Cali with the Coronavirus outbreak in the US.

Where I am in Merida,Mexico there are 2 cases and i think this will probably grow.

Thank You


Senior Member
Hello I hope everyone is well.I was told by social security in el dorado hills California that I have am April 3rd psyche examination for social security.

Having CFS I was wondering if it's safe to travel back to Cali with the Coronavirus outbreak in the US.

Where I am in Merida,Mexico there are 2 cases and i think this will probably grow.

Thank You


Social security hearing on 30th of April in California

Was able to get it delayed

Still in south mexico

Going through some benzo withdrawl down to like
15 0.5mg klonopin tabs I usually take .25 a day sometimes I go a day without taking them


Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Are the planes flying? My daughters return flight Volaris-from LAX to Oaxaca was cancelled.

An idea- there may be less in Mex than in US....an idea is to-fly to Tijuana...walk across the border there and get on a train....(and I don't know if trains are running either). That was a lower exposure idea- we thought we'd deploy before she decided: to stay here longer.


Senior Member
Seattle, WA USA
el dorado hills California

It looks like this is just east of Sacramento. My coworker used to fly there a lot and I guess the airport is very small and easy to maneuver through, so hopefully there will be minimal people there.

I've heard airplanes have so few passengers that it is easy to have 6 feet minimum between passengers.

My daughter lives in the mountains in that same area, and I guess Covid isn't big there yet, mostly San Fran and LA. But of course you have nearly a month... Take sanitizer, gloves, and face masks. Best of luck

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It looks like this is just east of Sacramento.

The Southwest Airlines terminal at Sacto Airport is one of the more spacious and civilized- Airports, its pretty new. (thats likely the closest to El Dorado Hills...and thats an Odd location for you meeting). That used to be: the boonies.

You'd likely need to rent a car if you expect to- get there. (maybe Uber would also work).


Senior Member
The Southwest Airlines terminal at Sacto Airport is one of the more spacious and civilized- Airports, its pretty new. (thats likely the closest to El Dorado Hills...and thats an Odd location for you meeting). That used to be: the boonies.

You'd likely need to rent a car if you expect to- get there. (maybe Uber would also work).

Appreciate it Rufous


The idea was to fly to LA and my mother drive
me up north.I was a bit concerned since I am not sure if ME/CFS itself is a high risk group that leads to the acute respiratory distress syndrome stage.
I have heard young healthy people dying of this.
I am concerned about the lack of equipment in mexico though there are fewer cases probably due to heat

Most days here in Oxkutzcab have been close to the
100s and I have been tolerating the heat better.If I keep it under 5,000 steps a day I do ok as long as i do the heat In small doses.I think if one can build up heat tolerance it may not be a cure for CFS but can help improvement.Double digit UV index were talking.

The sun has been my go to for immune system prevention of CoV-19.Hopefully this holds up

When I went to progresso beach it felt like my CFS
went from moderate to mild.I think this because CFS
Is a state where excess ROS and the ocean effect quiets ROS activity.I don't think it's a coincidence that PEM threshold is greater on that beach

Part of me doesn't want to come back

I know that the US healthcare system is better equipped to deal with Coronavirus though there are people dying from this in California.

Appreciate it


Senior Member
Basically what iam asking is if it's better to come to the Us now where death from coronavirus is still possible in young and healthy let alone ME/CFS

or wait till after the end of April?

Thank You

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
Basically what iam asking is if it's better to come to the Us now where death from coronavirus is still possible in young and healthy let alone ME/CFS

Maybe if you came back in the next few days...there is less corona than there will be- 2 weeks from now..based upon these curves?


Senior Member
or wait till after the end of April?

I've been to a South Indian beach from January till beginning of March. Me too it really helps my health (sun, ocean, nature 24/7..). Since coming back I'm not allowed to work (being high risk), and except short walks I'm just in my small city flat. Wished I would have just stayed on. Now in the hot season and tourists usually gone, could perfectly self-isolate on miles of a beach and under palms.

Though don't know if it would have worked out, India is usually very strict in not extenting any tourist visas. And now with the lockdown nowhere else to go, which still could happen in Mexico too.