Flush of Vit C - a come back


Senior Member
See this case: A calculated 36 gr (may not in this case) be half of what this man needed. A 50 gr or even 90 gr is to be looked for. http://www.healthboards.com/boards/vitamins-supplements/972607-danger-warning-vitamin-c-flush.html
And backing down - and out was not much of a good option here. This man by using the more medium /and not full flushing dose had this crappy experience.
So going back down and out of this - sounds rather likely to be tickeling other things. And all his effords that never helped.
Though I would not draw 'his' conclusions or value what he writes. He had not entered into the real thing of the protection in high end vitamin C uptake. The verry diarea at the end of Vitamin C flush is cleansing and much wanted. And maybe with much better "Vitamin Ascorbic C" material he could have a better start for a second day planing.

History: Did this man (page II) only see himself and his product? http://www.perque.com/wheybetterguard/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/PIH_History-Of-The-C-Cleanse.pdf
'Corey' gives reference to Dr. P. Airola's early use of this Vitamin C Flush in 1971. He had cured arthritis. http://www.curezone.org/forums/am.asp?i=374237


Senior Member
To comment a few things: No, I am against this - "IV argument". It is simply not true. There is reasonable uptake in the troat an verry high GI Trakt.
Vitamin C can be a home remedy. An IV injection just travels other ways. The venes are not save when one uses IV. the doctors whould not give this
in the verry high frequency wanted for a build up. There are enough patients that have profited from C flush. That experince alone is good evidence.

copper @pamojja: Yes Copper and Zink are amoung those Minerals closly monitored with detoxing effords. We would need solutions for that.
Manganese is one metal difficult to get. I found supply for horses.
Calcium is good for my tooth with ascorbic acids. I do apply that.

@Learner 1: Yes I know my B6 need. Zink and Taurin are helpfull. The morning urin may color red.
Also the Iodin need with Hashimoto play a role. (Fluorids from thooth paste can be avoided)


Senior Member
How is this different from any other bowel cleanse or detox? There are hundreds of detox "programs" on the Internet, and what they have in common is that none of them is evidence-based. There is no physiological reason why humans would need to perform regular bowel cleanses. Vitamin C itself is interesting though for CFS/ME, especially IV, as it has shown to be antiviral against some viruses.


Senior Member
"OH my dearest GoD!!" Will Y please spare us from more of such comments !!
The verry Vitamin C flush is probably much more wanted for the healthy comunity around you. They can do all this on low Vitamin C numbers and effordless. I repeat this: I am against IV uptake for the following. It is less likely to be a doctors office procedure. A verry high frequent (4x oral an hour) low does uptake (towards more than 50 gr / or above 90 gr) easly surpasses a once ore twice aplied IV procedure. The IV will burn and destroy veines. He never told this. No Thank you. And all this oral intake can be your self applied at home strategy done by many thousands of patients now for some decads.

And than please lets not forget: The verry first consistent level of a proven validity is always the on-growning levels of the knoledge chaired by a Specialist that is consistently works in this field. This alone is a highly valid source. We would all be ever so pleased if YOU and others could generously offer/ and organise as JES having said: A High end proven numbers of showing to reduced detox loads maybe in this comunity by your sientifique mesuring in the form of labs testing and studies.
And to so many more of our readers - please join in the practical porces. Lets find some doing of things ... also. Many Thanks. And than let me remind you: I would highly value You - think before writing. @JES: Animals use verry high Vitamin C defence mechanisms. A lymphatic capacity to pump out toxins to the end of colon is special. With pooping out watery stool there lower to the bowl system. Hopes are that the rectal bowl 'back intake' might be low. I now have the honor to share another thought - that date 5 years back.

SEE this Kombo-Information shared by 'Zuleikaa': I found her additiv beeing used and more details given since 2012 http://forum.lowcarber.org/showthread.php?t=444665
a second side opens as "yeastinfectionnomore" [candidaresolutions.club/vitamin-c-flush-and-candida/] and is inactive.
the google hint for this combo oregano/ vitamin C flush is intresting. Yes, Zuleikaa is giving her thougts and details to others.

Lets continue to make the most of - what is already out there. and slect good stuff, than learn more
best regards ;) ;)


ps. Let me kindly talk to 20.Juli 17 ## 15 @pamojja: Let us all - from here on. For a sake of more clarity. Let us daringly collect data that goes beyond usual intake. Thank you. This is not what usual (others than linus pauling institud) resorces of research offers. To the best of my knoledge. From now on:
We enter our verry discussion on the 50 gr / 50.000 mg and much higher doeses of the daily intake as an optional form of cure.
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