Fluconazole (Diflucan)


Senior Member
London, UK
My doctor wants me to take Fluconazole (Diflucan) for 1 to 3 months.

Have read some horrible experiences with this. Anyone tried this with success?

The purpose is to treat my candida infection. Thanks


Senior Member
New England
Hi xlynx,

I took Diflucan for months twice a week. It didn't bother me, but it didn't cure the Candida problem. It curtailed it for awhile. But my body just reverts to its imbalances of flora. Diet has seemed the most helpful, and treating local infections. For instance, I make up my own boric acid eyewash (for almost no $) to keep my eyes uninfected and I use a mild vinegar douche to keep my vaginal area asymptomatic. The drugs, in short, have been helpful to back off a major infection/imbalance, but then diet and home remedies have been my best strategy for mainenance.



Senior Member
Cape Cod. Mass
I took

Diflucan once for about 2 months as I had one candida test come back very high. I had a great response for about 2 or 3 months but then the benefit went away and so did my doctor unfortunately. I can't convince my new doctor to give it to me again.

I had no side effects. There's allways a chance it was a placebo response or just one of many infections I have that came back once I stopped the med.

Good luck if you take it. I heard it can affect some peoples liver function while they are on it.


Senior Member
I would go for it. You'll probably feel miserable from herxing in the beginning but hang in there. Note that a diet is also very important for starving of fungus and you can combin with natural antifungals like olive leaf,coconut oil.


Senior Member
Gold Coast Australia
My Doctor, now turned holistic, has given me and Australian product called Intestaclear... a herbal concotion to kill candida.....has 5 herbs in it. He says it is better than Diflucan as it gets right down into the villi in the bowel where the canddia gets. Diflucan he says, just sweeps across the top of the villi hairs without eradicating the problem. I think that other product called huma..... check Gut post....from the US has lots of great stuff like my product. I am to take coconut oil too....kills off parasites too.


Senior Member
It worked for me , but candida is back after taking antibiotics for just a week.


Senior Member
SaraM how do you know that candida is back after taking the antibiotics? By physical symptoms or did you get retested?


Senior Member
London, UK
Thanks everyone for all the responses :), I took my first two doses and am feeling ok. I hope I manage to get some success with this. Will be interested to see how I get on once I add in the antibiotic with it next week.


Senior Member
Thanks to what FMS/CFS/LYME has done to alter my immunity, I am very allergic to stinging insects, and when I get stung, I must have huge doses of IV cortisone in the ER, which causes the yeast to go crazy.
If I get stung, I take Diflucan liquid for a month to get rid of it. Nystatin does nothing.

I take Diflucan tabs, 100 mg. twice a week all the time now to prevent yeast from coming back in my vulvar vestibules, under my breasts, on my tongue and a little in my lungs. I've had no side-effects at all, and liver tests are normal.

Before this, I spent years taking various combinations of Candex, caprylic acid, garlic, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, Samento, pau d' acro, and others, with no results other than stomach upset. Severe dietary restriction was not enough for me either. The only natural remedy that helped at all was Pleo Alb. Still, I would try this route first, before taking the drugs.



Senior Member
Hm, This is interesting.. Yeah, I've had that prescribed aswell. I was stupid though, and didn't follow it the whole way out, or I probably would have gotten rid of my problems a long time ago. I'm going to the doctor to get this again. I also hope it will cure my scalp problem, seems like I have candida all over. Or maybe it started in the scalp and infected my uhm..privates. Ass soon as I've tried it, I'll tell you if it worked! :)


I took diflucan for a month and it did nothing for my candida (intestinal and vaginal).
I have been taking nystatin for about 5 months and that is working. Nystatin can be taken very long term as it stays in the intestine, so the liver is safe.
I think taking diflucan for a month is far too long as it is far too toxic, yet nowhere near long enough to get rid of candida.

To be honest, the only reason we have chronic candida is because our immune systems are damaged. Otherwise, it is an infection the immune system can deal with quite easily. So the real solution is to mend the immune system. Anything we take directly against the candida is only holding the fort and the candida will return as soon as we stop. Therefore, for me, it's nystatin and diet, or herbal and diet.

I took pure oil of peppermint capsules (enteric coated - this is very important) for months against candida, with good results - though again, it takes a long time to see improvement. There are various mixes of spices and peppermint and other things, that may be more effective.
You can canvas advice from nay people but, remember, candida puts your intestine into an extremely irritated, sore condition and so whatever you take, it is a question of finding out what your poor old damaged guts can handle without actually getting even more sore and painful. It takes a lot of patience and experimentation.


Senior Member
Crap, now I'm totally confused.
I've heard everything. Do the Rx antifungals, then the naturals for maintenance.
Do nystatin, followed by diflucan.
Do diflucan, the nystatin doesn't work.
Rotate natural antifungals.
I have no frikkin idea what to do.


Senior Member
I can relate! I am trying to figure this out too. I have been taking diflucan for about three weeks now, but only 100 mg as opposed to 200 mg. I am worried my dose is too small. I had die off for a few days with increased dizziness. I am now taking candex, too, because, as you mentioned, I read that it is good to rotate. But I have no idea if any of this is working! My tongue is still kind of white colored a lot of the time.


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also take probiotics to replace the candida thats being killed off, aquarius has a good point of rotating meds and herbs etc. as for nystatin, just take it all the time, it is quite harmless.
