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Flu vaccination and ME/CFS


Senior Member
South East England, UK
I am really surprised that on this thread nobody has mentioned that when you have the flu jab you get a good dose of thimerasol which is 50% mercury and possibly aluminium too. Personally I cannot think of why anybody would want to put such toxic substances in your body.

My immune system reacts to mercury so its the last thing I need.



Senior Member
I am really surprised that on this thread nobody has mentioned that when you have the flu jab you get a good dose of thimerasol which is 50% mercury and possibly aluminium too. Personally I cannot think of why anybody would want to put such toxic substances in your body.

My immune system reacts to mercury so its the last thing I need.


Billions of people have had vaccines with a trace of thimoseral (it is a tiny, precise amount), and even in places where overall health is lower than here no has mercury poisoning afterwards.
If you're really going to worry about mercury, don't eat fish. That contains methymercury, which is highly poisonous, vs the controlled, tiny amount of ethylmercury in some (not all) flu vax, which clears out of your system within 72 hours.

There's a trace of mercury in rain, in surface water and in broccoli from your garden. It's a natural, poisonous substance which has been around as long as time. Aluminum is the most common metal in the Earth's surface, it's in the dirt in your garden, always was, always will be.

Jennifer J

Senior Member
Southern California
I am really surprised that on this thread nobody has mentioned that when you have the flu jab you get a good dose of thimerasol which is 50% mercury and possibly aluminium too. Personally I cannot think of why anybody would want to put such toxic substances in your body.

I get mine in a kid's clinic (pediatrics). I'm the oldest person there. :) They have it without thimerosal for children. You can also request it without thimerosal in other clinics. Not sure if you have the same options in UK and elsewhere. Hope you do.
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Senior Member
I got the quadrivalent shot on Saturday (no eggs, no preservatives, from my local pharmacy) and had, surprisingly, no reaction whatsoever. Last time I got a shot was a year ago last March (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus) and I felt extra achy for 3-4 days. The pharmacist said that the DPT always causes more of a reaction than flu shots. Also, my GP told me to wait until October for the flu shot as he said it does wear off towards the end of the season.


Senior Member
There are 25 mcg of mercury in a flu vaccine. Mercury is the second most neurotoxic substance on earth (#1 being radioactive polonium).

It all adds up, folks. It goes into your brain and doesn't readily come back out, unless you take specific measures to chelate it.

The symptoms of mercury toxicity correlate closely with the symptoms of ME/CFS. Just sayin'...

Ten Lies Told About Mercury in Vaccines:

Lie #10 “There’s more mercury in a tuna fish sandwich than there is in one mercury-preserved flu shot.”

"Scientists know that eating mercury in food is completely different from injecting it directly into body and blood."



Senior Member
I've never had a flu vaccination and not keen to ever have one. I had frightening head symptoms at severe ME onset and I don't want to risk provoking any problems in that area, which is my main concern.

A couple of years ago my mother had a serious reaction after receiving the flu vaccination. She was bedridden with vertigo for about six weeks and went deaf in one ear. She was very fortunate to recover to better health again, apart from losing hearing. She had had flu vaccinations for quite a few years before this and had no problems with it whatsoever. So for some people things can change, you can be fine with it and then get a major reaction.

I've always been pro vaccination and have had two tetanus injections since having ME and had no problems with the tetanus vaccine, so far. But I don't want to take any risks with the flu vaccination.


Patient in training
It is interesting that this patient case study had his ME triggered by a flu shot:

And i know of another person too who got sick this way, who later took his own life. We need to understand why people get ME from a simple flu shot or other vaccination first. There are many others, I am sure. The one thing is there is a stigma in the medical world in which reporting side effects from vaccine is not well seen from peers. Therefore, side effects are under-reported.

I do not believe in the mercury, thimerosal stuff, but i do not trust that getting a flu shot is safe for me and my immune system at the moment. Regardless, I haven't had a single cold let alone flu in the 8 years I have been sick. Moreover, last year flu shot did not cover the strains that were going around.

Anyways, that's just me. I respect other's choices to get one.
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It is interesting that this patient case study had his ME triggered by a flu shot:

And i know of another person too who got sick this way, who later took his own life. We need to understand why people get ME from a simple flu shot or other vaccination first. There are many others, I am sure.

I can't prove it but my first ME symptoms began shortly after a flu shot.


Senior Member
There are 25 mcg of mercury in a flu vaccine. Mercury is the second most neurotoxic substance on earth (#1 being radioactive polonium).

It all adds up, folks. It goes into your brain and doesn't readily come back out, unless you take specific measures to chelate it.

The symptoms of mercury toxicity correlate closely with the symptoms of ME/CFS. Just sayin'...

Ten Lies Told About Mercury in Vaccines:

Lie #10 “There’s more mercury in a tuna fish sandwich than there is in one mercury-preserved flu shot.”

"Scientists know that eating mercury in food is completely different from injecting it directly into body and blood."


The preservative that some flu vaccines (note: not all) are still is using is in the form of ethylmercury, not methylmercury, which is what you may find in foods and which can contribute to neurotoxicity. So you can't directly compare the effect between those two. Even if we assume there exists a relationship between some vaccines and developing CFS/ME, it would much more likely be the antigen substance itself that is causing some form of immune dysfunction.


Senior Member
The preservative that some flu vaccines (note: not all) are still is using is in the form of ethylmercury, not methylmercury, which is what you may find in foods and which can contribute to neurotoxicity. So you can't directly compare the effect between those two. Even if we assume there exists a relationship between some vaccines and developing CFS/ME, it would much more likely be the antigen substance itself that is causing some form of immune dysfunction.

All forms of mercury are toxic. Saying that one form of mercury is safer than another is like saying one size of bullet is safer than another.

Mercury can cause immune dysfunction.

There is a relationship between mercury toxicity and ME/CFS. I don't know about vaccines per se.


Senior Member
"Saying that one form of mercury is safer than another is like saying one size of bullet is safer than another."

Well, you can conflate any two unpleasant objects via words, doing so changes neither of them. Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide are both oxides of carbon, but they act very differently in your body. Both will kill you when present in large enough amounts, yet (almost) no one is throwing out their gas stove.


Senior Member
The only reason mercury is there in the first place is to save money, which is frankly a disgrace. Look up what the CDC and friends say about the toxicity of thiomersal. All those claiming it's safe and fine, there has been absolutely no research done on the toxicity of thiomersal in humans. They don't know what the toxic dose is, how long it stays in the body .. exactly what damage is caused, what subgroups are vulnerable .. etc etc. The only time it was tested directly on people was done by Eli Lilly in 1929. They gave 22 meningitis patients a 1% IV solution. Doses that were killing animals in the lab. Predictably they all died within 24 hours. But they claimed that all the patients died of the meningitis and not the thiomersal, and that thiomersal had a low order of toxicity in humans. And that study was used as proof of safety for over half a century. If you question this madness, clearly you are anti-science.


Senior Member
Never had it in my life and don't plan to with ME. I am not in contact with a lot of people and I haven't had the flu since the viral infection that precipitated my ME, almost 2 years ago. I get flu-like symptoms, but not the flu.
Brussels, Belgium
Hello, I need some help.
My wife is sick since 2010 (ME/CFS). It all started a few days after she received a flu shot at work. After a very long judicial procedure, it has now been recognised as work-accident. But the judge did order a medical expertise to check that the cause of my wife's state is actually the vaccine. Good news is that they say that there is a judicial presumption that the vaccine is the cause. The expert needs actually to prove that the flu shot can be ruled out, without any doubt, as the cause of my wife's disease.
So I'm researching and collecting cases research and scientific papers about this subject. If any of you point me to such info it would be great!
Thank you so much!


Senior Member
Hello, I need some help.
My wife is sick since 2010 (ME/CFS). It all started a few days after she received a flu shot at work. After a very long judicial procedure, it has now been recognised as work-accident. But the judge did order a medical expertise to check that the cause of my wife's state is actually the vaccine. Good news is that they say that there is a judicial presumption that the vaccine is the cause. The expert needs actually to prove that the flu shot can be ruled out, without any doubt, as the cause of my wife's disease.
So I'm researching and collecting cases research and scientific papers about this subject. If any of you point me to such info it would be great!
Thank you so much!

To get the attention this topic deserves, You should open your own thread. I wish you find all the answers you need and win your wife's case !