I've always had violent reactions to any vaccine, every single one I have had has made me very ill, all my life.
Quite possibly the reason I have a severe needle phobia.
I don't take the shots, even though I'm offered them. I don't know what my normal violent reaction would be with ME, I'm scared to find out, I'm terrified of the needles and even more so of having "something" injected into my body.
I'd be sitting in the surgery insisting they give me all the traceabilty history of that particular bottle of vaccine being used, right back to the manufacturer and the names of the technicians who were personally involved in producing it;
I'd be insisting
I filled the syringe,
and then I'd
still run away and lock myself in the loo in floods of tears and refuse to come out, just before they try to get the needle into me.
Which is highly embarrassing behaviour in a 55-year old.
I just try to avoid "the public" and keep my fingers crossed..