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Flotation Therapy

Hi Everyone.

I had my first flotation session yesterday. A dark room, not closed tank. I suffer with a lot of pain , (use a stick and mobility scooter) moderate fatigue and moderate other symptoms, temp regulation, light sensitivity etc etcetc.

Initially pain was much improved (as it always is when I can get in my local hydro pool to float) I certainly zoned out and had quite a lot of twitching and spasms. I was fairly spaced out for a while but got back to baseline within a few hours. This was then followed by extreme fatigue and a good nights sleep.

Today I am floored, all symptoms above baseline, shaking and can't get warm!!! I am booked again next week and want to give it a good try but would be interested to hear others experience.

Many Thanks


Senior Member
@Hippy - I don't think any research has ever suggested that floatation therapy might help with ME/CFS. Is there some reason that you expect it to help?

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Do you know what was in the water? In Austin, magnesium sulfate is added. If your tank had MG, too, you could have had a reaction because of that.
I decided to give it a go because I get so much pain relief from floating in a hydro pool. And I hoped the lack of stimulation involved may just give me a break. Is there not emerging evidence that magnesium may be beneficial as well. I have limited mobility and hoped over time there way be improvement in muscle strength.

So just for comfort for symptoms and hope I guess.

No just Epsom salts. (Magnesium sulphate)I checked

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
The reason I asked about whether your water had magnesium sulphate is that it can have a detox effect, which isn't necessarily bad.

I get glutathione IVs, and my doctor says to soak in a tub with Epsom salts afterward. The glutathione detoxes the mitochondria, and the Epsom salts help move those substances out afterward.

MG can help with muscle pain and sleep, but maybe it was too concentrated for you. Hope the side effects pass and that you feel better soon. Maybe you should call the place where you did the float and ask if others have reported similar symptoms.


Senior Member
I tried it a few times many years ago. I found it very enjoyable and meditative, but it didn't have any effects (good or bad) on the ME or my overall health.
Thank you everyone.
Things settled after 24 hrs still not sure if the stuff was float or general overdoing it stuff. We will see what this weeks session brings!
I loved to use float tanks before CFS, but I had a very similar reaction to yours once CFS had made itself known. My experience was that the heat of the water in the tank was a little too much for my system to handle. I've definitely noticed that I become very temperature sensitive when my system is running close to empty - heart beats quick and hard etc...

Having said that, I've also noticed that spas and float tanks tend to be more beneficial for me when my system is feeling a bit stronger. Then, the heat, salts and relaxation seem to bolster my strength even further.

Sounds like you had your tank open which helps cool things off. Was the water hot?
I checked re temp as I have no regulation. All at body temp. I shiverred and shook getting out but then all settled until later in the eve and next day. Calmed down gradually after 24hrs.