This is an old post but hoping some of you have bookmarked it to be followed.
@Sing @Ema
I had a very gradual decline over the years leading into a sudden and severe downward spiral in spring 2012 of almost all CFS symptoms. My doctor(GP) was of no help to me and figured I had a mental disorder such as 'conversion'. I then went to a functional medicine doctor who put me on adrenal extract, Armour T4, feritin, DHEA (10 mg.), magnesium and so many more supplements that I can't remember. Six weeks later I was no better and was collapsing from weakness when walking only a few feet, and lacked energy to the point that I needed to be in a wheelchair, couldn't feed myself nor shower/wash my hair without the help of my husband. The functional medicine doctor saw my deterioration and prescribed 20 mg of Cortef (hydrocortisone) but still no change.
Nothing seemed to help my symptoms during ' that summer from Hell '. That fall I I was hospitalized after repeated spells of passing out and that's when my GP learned that I had been taking Cortef. She was angry b/c "I was taking a steroid that was going to cause my adrenals to shut down " blah blah blah. She sent me to an endocrinologist to wean me off the Cortef (ridiculous as I was only on 20 mg/day for <2mths.) The endo tested me for adrenal insufficiency (Addison's) through a STIM test and also checked aldosterone and catecholamine levels and T4. Everything normal except very low (or absent) DHEA and very low blood pressure (which I had for years before all this.).
I was put me on Florinef (varying dosages over the following months, salt tablets and compression socks and clothing but nothing really helped much. If it did, it never lasted (familiar story with many of us). For many months I titrated the florinef dosage but nothing helped raise the blood pressure into the normal range. Severe headaches and migraines were always with me, even after discontinuing the Florinef. Midodrine caused my pulse to fall into low 30's and stayed that way for 8 hours (2 separate times) so it's not an option for me.
In January 2013 I was DX with POTS through TTT and put on Mestinon long acting (240 mg). EUREKA!! I was able to walk without weakness and talk without brain fog for the first time in a year! But within 2 months I was deteriorating again.
Fast forward to today....50 mg zoloft, magnesiusm, Vit C , compression socks, lots of water and few other herbal supplements are all I'm on. I am not near as bad as the 2012 Summer from Hell but still I have bad mornings, every day with my evenings being my best time of day. ( is that a clue as to what treatment could work for me?) If I do get a few good days in a row, they're always followed with a crash lasting 3-5 days or worse. To me this sounds so much like an adrenal issue (HPA axis?) but my conventional GP and endocrinologist say they recognize I'm not healthy but can't help. And don't want to give DHEA to me.
Question - Do you think I should go back to the functional medicine dr and request Cortef and DHEA again (my DHEA was 'undetectable' for years prior to the 2012 symptom onset.) Perhaps when I was in that very acute stage of the illness, nothing was going to help but might now? Or do you think it was going to work for me, I would have seen results the first time when I was extremely ill? Any advice?
Droxidopa is now approved in the States...anybody try it yet? I'm in Canada and it would be next to impossible to get my doctors to consider going through the hoops to prescribe it for me. I've never seen a CFS specialist nor any doctors for viral testing. I'd have to go to the States.... $$
long post....sorry. I'm just trying to be proactive here and not lose hope that I'll ever get out of this 'plateau' . Although the IOM shows much promise for our future and there is now a biomarker for CFS, I am very guarded that their is something that can be done for my PEM and low blood pressure. Thanks for listening.