It's good to pay attention to changes in sensations in the body, but to make a giant leap and say those sensations you feel are due to increased populations of probiotic bacteria is another thing.
You might speculate that drinking milk and dairy products increases your gut bacteria, and you might speculate that when you switched to inulin, some of these bacteria died; but you don't really know this with any certainly. Of course, if you had a stool analysis done before and after drinking milk, and this showed a large increase in gut bacteria, then this would be a fact.
If it is the butyric acid from butter than is making these improvements, then you might be a good candidate for Clostridium butyricum, which is a butyric acid-producing bacterium.
How about the changes in my stool in terms of easier passage and appearance?
Yup, I have to make speculations because I am not paying for any lab work until I run out of options.
I am sure everyone is well aware that some of these lab tests are very expensive and not covered by insurance.
About my approach, again I have spent a lot of money and made a lot of speculation, but I have made tremendous progress after trying to treat a 5-year illness.
Can some of you guys say this considering some of you have been dealing with CFS/ME for a much longer time?
I learned a lot about how to maintain the body through trial and error. With this information, I will be able to age gracefully and help my loved ones make it through or ease similar illnesses.