I wonder if KDM offers any treatments that cannot be bought online? The only one I am aware of is Rifaximin, which is difficult to get in my country for anyone, even with a prescription. That is one of my main concern with traveling to Belgium. I have no doubts that he is a good doctor, but treatments for CFS/ME are still at infancy.
Hi JES. Yes, I take your point about treatments for M.E. I will definitely be treating my gut though because I have SIBO and poor absorption. It's a situation that cannot continue. In any case, if 80% of the immune system is in the gut, then improving gut function must have a massive impact on immune function. I've done a lot of research into SIBO recently and Rifaximin is, as you will know, the definitive treatment for bacterial overgrowth with diarrhoea. For overgrowth with constipation, another antibiotic needs to be added into the mix. I consulted Dr. Allison Siebecker last year via Skype and she gave me the details of an online provider of Rifaximin. I don't know if I'm allowed to mention it in this forum? Would it be against the rules?