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First Canadian ME conference, May 3-5 in Montreal


Senior Member
Dr. Gordon Broderick, a native Canadian, made these hopeful comments back in 2013:
Q: Is there anything you would like to add that you feel is important for people to know about CFS?

A: Only that there is hope. That we understand much more now than we ever did before. And that with the continued advocacy of patients, we can encourage government to support research in this area and find a cure. There is hope.
In the same year, Dr. Broderick described alternate resting states found in males suffering from GWI and CFS. He presented here pilot data from a 4-year, $4-M effort integrating computational and animal models to design clinical treatment trials. (N.B. 25:50 and following.)

It would be great to hear an update from Dr. Broderick (now working with Dr. Klimas) at this 1st Canadian Collaborative Team Conference, especially in light of Dr. Klimas’ 2017 comment, “I dare say that this Gulf War trial that we’re just launching right now will be done in about a year.” It sounds as though an arm of the current human trial may be devoted to ME/CFS.


Senior Member
Dr. Gordon Broderick, a native Canadian, made these hopeful comments back in 2013:

In the same year, Dr. Broderick described alternate resting states found in males suffering from GWI and CFS. He presented here pilot data from a 4-year, $4-M effort integrating computational and animal models to design clinical treatment trials. (N.B. 25:50 and following.)

It would be great to hear an update from Dr. Broderick (now working with Dr. Klimas) at this 1st Canadian Collaborative Team Conference, especially in light of Dr. Klimas’ 2017 comment, “I dare say that this Gulf War trial that we’re just launching right now will be done in about a year.” It sounds as though an arm of the current human trial may be devoted to ME/CFS.
I heard somewhere, can't recall now, that Klimas was saying that if things really went well with the GWI folks, she would start trials on CFS straight away, even before the GWI trial was finished. Does anyone recall anything like this?

And has she already started that trial?


Senior Member
Vancouver, BC
It's interesting that they have Alison Bested, a good ME doctor from what I understand as well as Ric Arseneau who has no clue what disease he is treating and still believes strongly in CBT/GET


Senior Member
It's interesting that they have Alison Bested, a good ME doctor from what I understand as well as Ric Arseneau who has no clue what disease he is treating and still believes strongly in CBT/GET

At least he only has 20 minutes, like everybody else...


Senior Member
It's interesting that they have Alison Bested, a good ME doctor from what I understand as well as Ric Arseneau who has no clue what disease he is treating and still believes strongly in CBT/GET

For those who don't know, Central Sensitization Syndrome (CSS) is the biopsychosocial (BPS) model of disease and unfortunately is gaining ground worldwide.

We're already battling the BPS model with PACE and the CDC damage for years.
We still have yet to win those battles.
We have NICE and Cochrane yet to tackle.
We have MUS/MUPS and CSS rearing their ugly heads.

We're so busy fighting what ME isn't, we have little resources to actually advance what ME is!

CSS proponents from the west coast with Dr. Arseneau and the east coast with the Nova Scotia group are actual Presenters at this conference.

I find this very disturbing. Do we really need more misrepresentation of our disease with this CSS spread across Canada?

If you too have concerns, voice your opposition by emailing the organizers or better yet, Dr. Moreau himself.
The address can be found on this conference page.
