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FINE trial - results?



Hi all,

I've been trying to find out the results of the FINE trial here in the UK. I read somewhere that results were expected in early 2009; am I right?
I can't help hoping that the results haven't been released for so long because they were super-disappointing or embarrassing in some way.

Does anybody have any news? I spent about 20 mins Googling and searching this site, and there's plenty of stuff about the protocols etc but nothing about where they are with the wretched thing.

Rachel xx


You're right, the results don't seem to have been made available.

Dr Alison Wearden, the psychologist running it, appears to be a specialist in hypochondria :Retro mad:

I have read that the so called 'severely affected' patients in the trial were being contacted by phone or email, so they can't be very severely affected.

Then there's the question of the criteria used to select patients,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and what the patients thus selected are actually suffering from.