Film about most effective cancer treatment ever discovered/NCI/FDA coverup.


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Hi all, this link was posted by Leela on another thread, its a film about Dr Burzynski and his safe and effective treatment for cancer and how he has been hounded by the FDA and NIH who then stole his patents.
Its a very moving and outrgaging film, only available on Vimeo until the 20th June. I feel it has implications for the politics surrounding the discovery of XMRV or any other significant discovery that would lead to a treatment for M.E.

All the best, Justy


Senior Member
Thanks for posting Justy - one can hardly believe the "skullduggery" and I'm sure we have some parallels in the UK, and no doubts about the politics surrounding ME/CFS. Just hope our small band of real Docs and Scientists (XMRV and the rest) can manage to avoid/ignore the opposition.

And what a revolutionising cancer treatment too.


Senior Member
I saw this video a few days ago. The corruption that took place with this poor Dr. is shocking. Here in the U.S.? I think I'm very naive. I would think that someone coming out with such a novel and safe treatment for the most hopeless cancer patients, would e made out a hero and it would e published all over the place. I never heard of him before a few days ago. There is some real darkness looming in this business of medicine and I say business because that's what it is. It's all about $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Snow Leopard

South Australia
The FDA pulls stuff against corporations all the time. The difference is they can afford high quality lawyers. According to Wikipedia, there are a whole bunch of phase II trials underway. There has not been any peer reviewed RCTs published yet, so we'll see before claiming this as a efficacious cancer treatment.


Senior Member
Great Plains, US
Burzynski movie

Wow! This was so sad. I can't believe how the FDA harrassed this doctor while trying to steal his patents at the same time! ARGH!!!
It actually gives me hope to hear about someone using peptides and amino acids to treat cancer, because those things have been mentioned as potential treatments for XMRV or CFS.

I wonder.... if these drugs ever receive FDA approval, would it make any sense to try using them off label for people with CFS? Or are they too specific for certain kinds of cancer?
I worry that it is going to take forever for Peptide T to be FDA approved.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
I recently read a book entitled "The Man Who Cures Cancer", about Emanuel Revici, M.D. As I remember, he discovered back in the 1930's the importance of the peptides that were the core of his and apparently later on Dr. Burzynski's treatment. He likewise was harassed by the medical "powers that be". But this was before the advent of today's hugely profitable chemotherapy industry, which is likely responsible for the treatment of Dr. Burzynski.

For anyone interested in this topic, it would be good to look into the harassment of Royal Rife as well. He successfully treated late stage cancer in 1930's using frequency generator machines, later to become known as Rife machines. Many people today are successfully treating their own cancer using these machines without relying on modern and toxic cancer treatment methods.



Senior Member
Rochester, New York
We're watching first hand government agencies kill retrovirus research for the second time in 20 years, nothing new. I'd love to see Hillary do a documentary starting where Osler's begains upto the the present day XMRV government coverup.
This is a "must watch" video for anybody who has been sick.

WOW. One of the sceintists from the NCI said that "all" alternative treatments are designed to fail by the NCI. The treatment protocol is modified with lower dosages etc.

I'm going to send this movie to Dr Boyd Haley. He had that OSR#1 pulled from market by the FDA. Probably the same M.O..

Lance Armstrong is under investigation by the FDA with repeated attempts to jerk his $400 milllion in funds do to doping allegations. He would certaintly be interested in this movie.

I wonder if these antineoplastons could work for supressing XMRV? Burzynski claimed they worked for prostate cancer.

I'm blown away by this movie. THis is likely part of the roadmap for how we are being screwed over. Don't think it is only profits(even though trillions are at stake). More about power and control.

If the WPI and Burzynski got together ran a few trials, maybe there is something there. I bet Lance Armstrong or somebody would fund that $300 million for clinical trials.
This man was found guilty of fraud, according to the Wikipedia article, so i would be a bit careful with him... just saying.

You must be talking about this from Wiki:

"Burzynski has also been found guilty of fraud, as he claimed reimbursement from a health insurer for an illegally administered cancer treatment.[13]"

The whole story is about him getting sued many, many times by the FDA without ever pinning anything on him except the one point you mention. I would say that is pretty dang good.

If you watch the movie it's a pretty compelling story with references to cross check on the website. It's loaded with very specific facts that could probably looked up if one has any doubts.

My impression was he was very credible


Senior Member
Switzerland/Spain (Valencia)
Yes, i was talking about this point. I don't know if the FDA was involved there. What i sometimes ask myself, when i hear about treatments that are against the interest of the pharma industry is why don't countries like Cuba or Venezuela use them, if they really work. They would love something that's cheap and they probably don't care about US or European pharma companies.


Senior Member
Rochester, New York
I'd also want to know who posted that on wiki? Using wiki to support any arguement is iffy at best, any member in the world can update it. On any internet search I no longer even open wiki.


Senior Member
England (south coast)
The full movie appears to be on YouTube now:

I don't know enough details about Burzynski and his work, yet, to form an opinion about his treatment, but here is an interesting article in the Guardian exploring some of the issues surrounding seeking treatment from Bursynski... It sounds like the bad-science people are aggressively attacking anyone who says anything positive about Bursynski:


Senior Member
Hi, all.

For what it's worth, I heard Dr. Burzynski speak at the Orthomolecular Health-Medicine Society meeting in San Francisco, to which he was invited, a couple of years ago, and I believe he is credible. He explained that he had figured out how the antineoplastons that he discovered work: they lower the gene expression of the oncogenes, and they raise the gene expression of the tumor suppressor genes. This makes sense to me.

I've followed Dr. Burzynski's work for several years, via Dr. Whitaker's newsletter Health and Healing. I've met Dr. Whitaker, and I also believe he is very credible. He is the one who raised money for Dr. Burzynski's legal defense.

Dr. Burzynski has had some remarkable success, particularly with brain tumors in children, which cannot be helped by the conventional cancer treatments. A few years ago he held a banquet for all the kids who had been cured of cancer by antineoplastons, together with their parents. I understand that it was a very joyful affair.

Dr. Burzynski's approach is not the only promising alternative cancer treatment that I'm aware of. It is very difficult to get one through the required testing and approval, both because of the cost (which can't be recouped for many of them, because there is no patentable drug involved) and because, let's say, the regulatory authorities are less than enthusiastic to see the surgery/radiation/chemotherapy combination become displaced.

I have a personal interest in this, having had colorectal cancer myself, 13 years ago.

I understand that the Texas medical board is going after him again, on the basis that two patients that he treated off-label (which is normally considered legal and is done all the time by doctors) with FDA-approved cancer chemotherapy drugs, who died. He selected the drugs based on DNA analysis, to fit the particular cancers. These are people who had already been considerably weakened by attempts at treatment with conventional approaches.

Best regards,



Senior Member
Sth Australia
I'd also want to know who posted that on wiki? Using wiki to support any arguement is iffy at best, any member in the world can update it. On any internet search I no longer even open wiki.

Its true that anyone can post anything on wiki but things not properly referenced by good sources usually are very quickly removed.

off topic but todd. with your symptoms listed there. Please check out mast cell disorders as it is likely you could have one (POTS, orthostatic hypertension and flushing/looking sunburnt) if you havent already had those ruled out.
For what it is worth.....going from memory here.

The Burzynski Movie interviewed a scientist at the NCI involved with clinical trials. The NCI scientist interviewed mentioned it is common practice for the NCI(or other government agencies) to change the study design during clinical trials for natural treatments so they will fail the treatment objectives. Basically designed to fail.

For instance, he mentioned reduced dosages and other things were always changed so the natural treatment would fail clinical trials.


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Hi Mark, i remember that part clearly, your memory is correct.
Thanks Rich for your take on him and his treatment. Conspiracy and anti conspiracy theories abound on the net so its hard to know who to believe. I do respect your opinion.:thumbsup: