Fibro/CFS Doctors in the D/FW Area ?

I tried searching for info, but I'm having a terrible day, and it was just overwhelming trying to *find* anything... so I apologize if this has been asked and answered elsewhere.

I have been diagnosed with Fibro/CFS by my VA doctor.
Before my diagnosis I got lots of testing and a reasonable level of interest. After the diagnosis, the "care" attitude has been so appalling that I won't even write it out in detail, because it upsets me that much. In summary, they're condescending, accusatory, and victim-blaming, and they never, ever seem to listen.

On the one hand, I know that I really need to find an interested and informed doctor who will actually work WITH me.
On the other hand, I'm *terrified* of going through more, and possibly worse, of this medical-mental-abuse.

Due to having several pre-existing conditions, I'm effectively uninsurable, so we'd be paying out of pocket for me to see anyone outside the VA. That just enhances the fear of screwing up and going to a "bad doctor". I can't *afford* it.

The closer to the Richardson, TX area, the better, because driving is really rough. Getting TO an appointment is seldom a problem, but getting BACK after being put through the wringer, and being all amped-up from my anxiety can be a real problem.

I really, really, REALLY need a doc who is either nurturing and empathetic (ideal) or at least clinical and objective without any overt emotional demeanor at all - at least that won't scare me, even if it's not exactly uplifting ;-p
I can. not. handle. a meanie, or a "toughlove" type or a dismissive attitude. At all.

Since no treatment works for all fibro sufferers, but LOTS of treatments do work for SOME fibro sufferers, I'd really like to find a doc who will work with me on trying different things to see what works for ME. Even if it's not his/her preferred mode of treatment. And who, even if nothing does work, will not blame ME for failure-to-respond, but will persist in helping me continue to explore.

Bonus points for having a small, comfortable office, with minimal chemical-exposures and sensory-overload-tendencies, but I won't rule someone out just because their office sucks.
Any recommendations?


Senior Member
if i remember right, theres a Dr Kippels in that area thats supposed to be great. google him i seem to remember he has a website, he sees a lot of lyme patients, but also cfids/fibro patients too.
Ok, I thought I replied earlier, but I don't see anything - With the fog I've got today, there's just no telling what happened.

I sent Dr Kippels a query-email, and have looked over his website. Thanks!

Still open to more suggestions, of course :) The more the merrier, or something like that. ;-p
I just downloaded Dr Kippel's "new patient survey"! Holy moly! It's like 24 pages!
no response to my query email yet.
Looks like he's still a little further than I'd like to go - but since that's the only idea so far, I might have to try it anyway.


Senior Member
WOW, that is a Long survey! if i can think of anyother docs out that way ill let ya know.
like me your kinda stuck. my dr is in Houston, almost 100 miles one way from me.but i have no choice, shes a good dr but has a horrible staff. and IMO she has so many patients some of us fall
thru the cracks, but dont know where else to go. just wish i could go see klimas or peterson, but there just too far away :(
Man, that stinks about your doc :-(

My folks live near Houston, and sometimes I wish I still lived out that way - seems like a lot of what I end up needing is more available there than in the D/FW area.
But that pesky thing with the hubby wanting to stay employed and all - that just keeps us here ~LOL~


Senior Member
that pesky thing with the hubby wanting to stay employed and all - that just keeps us here ~LOL~

Boy i can sure relate to that!! I would leave this small towm so quick if it wasen' for the Job situation. I have been here 25+ years.... It's time to see something new ;(
and im tired of running from Hurricanes!!


senior member
Concord, NH
I just downloaded Dr Kippel's "new patient survey"! Holy moly! It's like 24 pages!
no response to my query email yet.
Looks like he's still a little further than I'd like to go - but since that's the only idea so far, I might have to try it anyway.

How about the Dr's on the Co-cure site? :)

As you can see, I am all the way across the country so I have no idea how good these Dr's are, but I found mine on the site and he has helped me a lot!
I'm glad you've found a good one!
I've seen that site, but was hoping for personal experiences with the names on the list - it still feels like an awful crapshoot since you don't know if lists like that are friends-of-the-doctor or what.
But thank you for suggesting it :)