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FGFR-3 autoantibodies and SFN

My current diagnoses include MECFS, neuropathic POTS and SFN, and
recently I have tested positive for the FGFR-3 autoantibodies (CellTrend panel), which seems to be associated with SFN. (In addition, I have also tested positive for various GPCR autoantibodies, but a recent paper suggests that CellTrend tests for these autoantibodies may not be reliable.)

In view of this, my neurologist thinks that I have autoimmune SFN and that this SFN is causing all my symptoms. Taking into account that I have already attempted in the past several immunomodulatory therapies (IVIG, plasmapheresis, corticosteroids and micophenolate-cellcept) without any result, my doctor thinks that I should resort to Rituximab as a last resort.

Nevertheless, as you will already know, Rituximab has potentially serious side effects and in view of the null effects of my previous treatments (especially IVIG and plasmapheresis), I have serious doubts that this strategy may be useful in my case. But at the same time I am really desperate to try to improve my situation and I do not want to rule out beforehand the employment of Rituximab.

For this reason, before taking a decision, I would like to get further information about the implications of testing positive for FGFR-3 autoantibodies. In particular, I would like to know if your doctors use the presence of these autoantibodies as a guide for treatment. Is there anyone who has obtained good results using Rituximab to target these specific autoantibodies?

Many thanks for your help.