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Feeling poisoned in the morning viral or more mold/checmical related for you


Senior Member
I'm curious for those of you who wake up feeling poisoned are you able to discern if this is more viral like ebv or some other virus vs feeling poisoned from underlying mold/chemicals in the environment or the body ?

I noticed past 6-7 hrs the more I sleep the worse I feel.Whereas Pre ME i required 8-10 hrs of sleep

I'm curious because I found with my subtype I cannot tolerate most buildings for.very long.yet the poisoned feeling in the throat and all over is doesn't dissappear if sleeping outside but it is lessened faster than it would be sleeping in regular housing it takes much more outdoor time to recover from

Maybe this is a CIRS/Toxic.encephlopathy variant of ME

I seem to not tolerate binders very well.

Thank you


Senior Member
I had been feeling very toxic in the morning, and the more deeply I slept, the worse the toxicity.

This is a comment I made a while ago after reading about adenosine. I don't know if the assumptions I made are correct, but the remedy is certainly working well. Also, something I am doing is correcting whatever was causing the problem. Maybe even the ginseng/ginkgo/tea is helping overall. I'm not sure.

What works for me:

I don't know if this would help others, but I started taking some panax ginseng/ginkgo along with green/black tea first thing in the morning and it is helping with the awful morning feeling.

The caffeine is supposed to help with whatever is going on with adenosine. Sleeping is supposed to clear out adenosine, but if your body isn't efficient at that, I imagine you could wake up not feeling refreshed or maybe even worse than not refreshed.

I'm not sure yet why the ginkgo and ginseng help with that, I just added it because someone mentioned it at reddit where I was reading about polygala tenuifolia, so while I'm waiting for that to arrive I thought I would try the ginseng/ginkgo.

This morning I added some magnesium because of reading about magnesium being involved in the conversion of adenosine to adenosine monophosphate. I am hoping this helps with postherpetic neuralgia, which always accompanies the morning sick headache. AMP is known to help with the pain from shingles.

Exercise is supposed to help clear out the adenosine, too, but when I wake up feeling so awful there's no way I can exercise. It's good if you can, though.

Although I can't figure out why the more deeply I sleep the worse I feel in the morning.
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Senior Member
I had this ever since around ten years back. Exactly the same sleep pattern. 6.5-7 hours maximum sleep. I would still feel tired when waking up, but not ill like I had been poisoned as with anything more than that. I also found out that sleeping only about 3 hours would make me feel much better at some point in the next 24 hours, but that is obviously not sustainable in the long term.

What does cause this effect? I have no idea to this day. I don't have any environmental sensitivities, but bacterial toxins seem like a good candidate. After moving to a restricted diet avoiding many types of carbs, I have managed to get a bit better control over this. It doesn't seem like really solving the downstream problem though.