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Feeling of 'brain moving' in head


Senior Member
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone knows anything about a weird symptom I have. I'm not sure if I've posted a similar thread in the past so please excuse me if I'm repeating myself... my memory is shocking today!

I keep getting this weird feeling that my brain is moving in my head.. and consequently, that objects are moving with it. I haven't had it for around 13 months and now all of a sudden it's back. It's a bit like vertigo, but different.. it's quite weird in the sense that it feels like my brain has moved 1cm to the left, and then it makes my vision bad, followed by migraines, ofcourse.

I have been using an oxygenator for the last couple of weeks (prescribed by my M.E specialist), and I think that may be causing the flare up again. I have heard that oxygen going straight to the brain can move the bad bacteria, and therefore maybe cause the spinning/moving feeling of my brain.

Any suggestions?

Best wishes to all,


คภภเє ɠรค๓թєl
hi Ivana,

I get similar sensations. For instance, that my cerebellum (in back of the brain) is spinning. Or that my head is attached lower down on my spine.

This could be part of the migraine itself (I get the classic/complex kind which is can explain pretty bizzare symptoms).

My neurologist, when she heard this kind of symptom (I also might feel limbs where they are not, or stop feeling them), got worried and wanted to test for multiple sclerosis (she was considering testing for various conditions like this anyway; this was back during a brief 'let's see if we can find out what's wrong with Willow' fit my doctors had at one point, but they gave up when they couldn't find a 'normal' disease). The tests came back negative.

It could also be related to brain inflammation or vascular issues from ME, though that's speculative. Now that I have ME, though, I get migraine aura type symptoms without necessarily having a full migraine.

all the best,

eta: internet disclaimer - this is private medical information posted for individual use of ME/CFS patients, carers, and families, and is not to be used for other purposes or elsewhere. thank you for respecting our privacy.


Senior Member
I tend to agree Willow having been through the brain "moving in the head" sensations myself - MS and Parkinsons ruled out by my Neurologist. Impaired blood flow I see is now attached to abnormal brain scans (high spots seen on mine). Thinking is clearer now so no permanent damage - but precisely what is it that we can address. Rich - any thoughts ?


Senior Member
I think so too GcMAF and infected sinuses with what was called "glue ear" happened about the same time. Secondary bacterial infections one wonders.


iherb code TAK122
[quote="WillowJ, post: 277117,
It could also be related to brain inflammation or vascular issues from ME, though that's speculative. Now that I have ME, though, I get migraine aura type symptoms without necessarily having a full migraine.

Think this is spot on Willow
I get this syptom on a regular basis, can go months when it eases but always comes back.


Senior Member
yeah i had a lot of brain inflammation this month, and lots of cytokine storms as a result.. But the last time it was this sever, approx 12 months ago.. I didnt feel much inflammation. Weird! I find its ok if i'm lying down and not moving my head.. Its just an annoying position to be in all day to avoid this! Does anyone else find that when one major symptom goes away, another immediately flares up for a while, then as soon as that goes away, another will really flare up etc and its neverending. Whilst i have a multitude of symptoms, i always have a 'symptom of the month' which is the most prevalent andd severe for the time being.
My brain feels as tho its spinning within the skull too, altho I don't have vertigo or any other inner ear problem, its like something out of a warner bro's cartoon. Makes me quite nauseas.


Senior Member
hi @justy

I was just thinking the same thing. I keep finding my symptoms here too.

I feel like my brain shifts from one side to the other when I'm rolling over on my side. Maybe it's blood flow?

Btw, most of my really weird neuro symptoms stopped after giving up gluten, dairy, corn, soy and Chemicals. Most neuro symptoms were from gluten but most chemicals found in foods, cleaning supplies, supplements and drugs make me feel weird.

tc ... x
That sounds like leaky brain. Most likely the swelling is always there and only causes reactions when something else causes more swelling, 1 + 1 = symptom.