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Feeling exhausted after bowel movement


I had this for the longest time and did nothing thinking it was OI or CFS, It got so bad I would pass out, and once I couldn't go without I felt I was pooping razer blades then I went in to get colonoscopy.

I ended up having colitis (biopsy).
Grand Rapids, MI USA
Sorry about the colitis in your case. I have had a colonoscopy with a biopsy and there was no colitis. The gastroenterologist took the biopsy even tho the colon looked normal. He was trying to find a cause for my great exhaustion and muscle pain/aches after a BM, but he could not find a cause. This was an experienced gastro doctor. He told me he believed me about my symptoms after a BM, but said he could not find the cause and was disappointed for me that he could not.


@ME_guy is not uncommon for OI is why I dint do anything for a long time when I would go to OI forums they complain of the same. So might be Katu that for you. I also get heaving episodes where the nausea won't stop unlit I end up on the ER dyhadrated. They give me cancer patient nausea meds and now that is under control.

So try to do the poor's man tilt table test and see if you have Oi

hmnr asg

Senior Member
Right after a bm i also feel very tired, in fact my GI is highly correlated with my fatigue. Usually when i have a crash it is preceded by bloating for a few days.
Another weird thing is that right after a BM i feel like my extremities get cold and my hands feel dry! when i mentioned it to my doctor he made me feel like im 100% crazy.



Senior Member
Same here re: razor blades, pinsnneedles in extremities, and feeling like passing out after BM.


Senior Member
Another weird thing is that right after a BM i feel like my extremities get cold and my hands feel dry! when i mentioned it to my doctor he made me feel like im 100% crazy.
Interesting. I don't get fatigue after a BM. I have you this cold feeling in my hands and feets when I have more inflammation, or something to do with serotonin.
My guess is that the inflammation in your colon is causing your symptoms. Did you get tested for some infections?

hmnr asg

Senior Member
I have no idea what to get tested for? my doctor is a total $#@% and he is a stanford professor in the school of medicine and he thinks very highly of himself. He always walks in the room with his super expensive custom tailored Italian shoes and with a smug attitude tells me to get back on zoloft. He thinks im a total crack pot :(
I always see people in here get tested for so many things, i only got thyroid/iron tested and some other routine blood work.
Can you tell me what i should ask for in terms of stomach infections?


Senior Member
Isn't Montoya in Stanford? I don't know about the medical system in the US, so I can't advise. For your gut problems, you can follow the roadmap: https://sites.google.com/site/cfstestingandtreatmentroadmap/

I would test for the virus: Coxsackievirus, echovirus, EBV, HHV-6, CMV, HSV1, Parvovirus B19 and also parasites (Giardia...) and bad bacterias (H Pylori included), just in case.

There are also other triggers, less frequently, like celiac, leaky gut, IBS... Although these can be linked to infections too.
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hmnr asg

Senior Member
Montoya is here but :
1) he has a one year wait time
2) he has a huge checklist of medical tests he needs your physician to go through with you before accepting you as a patient (from what i read on his site)
3) needs a physician referral (after item 2 is finished)
4) works with more serious cases

My doctor will not give me the tests , and will surely not give me a referral to Dr Montoya because he thinks im just depressed. ps I am able to hold a job and so most doctors will think im either trying to get on disability or im making the whole thing up (if he is sick how can he hold a tech job in silicon valley).

But while i am able to hold a job it is the only thing i can do, i go home and sleep on the weekends and have zero life outside of that. And i have no option other than holding a job, its either force myself to work or live in the streets of San Francisco and go through garbage piles for unfinished sandwiches.

Thanks for the list. I did make an appointment with the Open Medicine Institute in California, I hope they help me check for those infections.



Senior Member
Occasionally when my diarrhea is worse than usual, I will get weak immediately after BM. Very difficult to stand up, very dizzy, feel like my muscles are just overly fatigued and don't want to 'engage'. Once I get up, I tend to feel a little better and within 5 minutes, I'm back to normal. I do tend toward low blood pressure and occasionally POTS so I'm thinking that the elimination of the liquids is probably contributing towards that.


Senior Member
Right after a bm i also feel very tired, in fact my GI is highly correlated with my fatigue. Usually when i have a crash it is preceded by bloating for a few days.
Another weird thing is that right after a BM i feel like my extremities get cold and my hands feel dry! when i mentioned it to my doctor he made me feel like im 100% crazy.

not crazy. I have the same.

also very tired after BM en feel GI is highly correlated.

sorry your dr is such an ass

hmnr asg

Senior Member
thanks @WoolPippi ,
I read your bio information, amazing what you have managed to do! very impressed with your determination and hard work. I also read that your poo floats, mine does too and its super weird! and it happens most when I crash.
There is clearly a relationship. Do you have any suggestions for the gut stuff? (crashing after bm, floating poo etc) ?



Senior Member
I'll answer tomorrow, it's half past ten at night here now :)

but for me:
float = not enough bile. Used to get it going by acidifying stomach but that doesn't work the past few months.

fatigue = slow colon. No motility due to high dopamine/low serotonine? Homozygous for MAO A and MAO B who both should break down dopamine. I have too much of this stuff. It keeps my nervous system in high alert...

fatigue and pains = hepatic bend gets clogged by gas. Gas produced by bacteria from foods my intestines cannot digest properly. These be fibres, sugars and ...a 3rd one, I forget. I help gas pass the band my stomach massage, and lying on right side and then stomach. Also mindfulness is important to me to make my bowels do their thing. There seems to be no movement at all unless I relax and feel safe and not-worried.

fatigue after BM = nervous system in disarray? my nervous system is so susceptable to stress... Bowel stress sends it over the edge so easily. I feel bowels are the most important organ in my body. Sometimes I wonder if everything else is not just in servitude to the bowels. Including the nervous system. That all nerves begin in the bowels. I still don't know why I have to lie down after BM.

talk more to you tomorrow. :)


Senior Member
Sorry, the day got away from me. Again it's bedtime now.

I think the bottom line is homeostasis. That bowel movements disturb the equilibrium in the body and we cannot counter. I used to have the same with taking a shower. Lie in bed for an hour afterwards.

Showers are fine now, thanks to hydrocortison pills and a slightly better blood pressure. But BM can still wipe me out. My BP is still not good (90/60 in a standig position)

My mitochondria cannot deal with aerobe exercises, where the muscle cells lose their glucose and need to reload. This plus low BP says "bad at homeostasis" to me and is perhaps linked to BMs.

(how punny am I? The "bottom" line; they "wipe" me out.)
Sydney Aus
I also get fatigued, lethargic, apathetic after a BM, sometimes I feel a burning sensation in the colon as well. This morning I was feeling great up until the urge came to go to the toilet, this is often signaled by my mind going blank, mild depression + anxiety and then post BM is the fatigue etc. It doesn't always happen so perhaps it is based on certain foods...

WoolPippi I also tend to suffer from a similar fatigue if I spend too long in the shower (more than 5 mins). I haven't been diagnosed with CFS or ME, I have Dysbiosis, Leaky Gut + Adrenal Fatigue.
I had a similar problem for a very long time including IBS and simply everyday garlic juice worked for me.


Senior Member
could it be an electrolyte problem?

I just had the BM from which I usually have to lie down for an hour. Fatigued, wiped out, brainfog.
For some reason I ate half a banana with salt prior to lying down and within 5 minutes I perked right up. No need for me to lie down now. Kalium? Or just plain blood sugar...

(I started to eat half a banana each day because my Kalium was low in regard to Sodium.)
could it be an electrolyte problem?

I just had the BM from which I usually have to lie down for an hour. Fatigued, wiped out, brainfog.
For some reason I ate half a banana with salt prior to lying down and within 5 minutes I perked right up. No need for me to lie down now. Kalium? Or just plain blood sugar...

(I started to eat half a banana each day because my Kalium was low in regard to Sodium.)

Banana, garlic, garlic juice these are heavy on Potassium(Kalium) and Magnesium but you dont get these electrolytes immediately after 5 minutes into your blood stream that fast. Sugar can go into blood stream that fast in 5 minutes. Banana and Garlic are also anti inflammations that can make you feel okay from IBS and other bowel symtoms.

There are some MD and experts explain that BM can effect blood sugar on people who are already diabet. That's because of stretch receptors in the gut that stimulate the release of glucagon. But this is for people who are diabetics already.

Nobody can say it is a blood sugar or electrolytes without deep investigation and tests, it can be simple like inflammations of bowels due to IBS that can make you tired and the sugar in banana is 14gr. can give you extreme energy that reliefs you from tiredness which is not related to blood sugar in this case as you see lots of theories.

So it is best to be checked by an expert endocrinology doctor for blood sugars and electrolytes to clear questions in minds. Because this list can go long as long as you think about it which causes more anxiety and results more IBS etc..
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I relate to this. I can't 'finish' properly due to the muscle and mental fatigue. I have to return later. This happens to me most days.
I relate to this. I can't 'finish' properly due to the muscle and mental fatigue. I have to return later. This happens to me most days.

A friend of mine was having that problem, she was unable to finish because it doesnt come out completely. She started to eat a lot more than usual, infact one day she said, I'm done with this and eat everything. After few days, she was very happy. Than we all realized that she was not eating enough to produce feces therefore efffects the outcome.