I'll answer tomorrow, it's half past ten at night here now
but for me:
float = not enough bile. Used to get it going by acidifying stomach but that doesn't work the past few months.
fatigue = slow colon. No motility due to high dopamine/low serotonine? Homozygous for MAO A and MAO B who both should break down dopamine. I have too much of this stuff. It keeps my nervous system in high alert...
fatigue and pains = hepatic bend gets clogged by gas. Gas produced by bacteria from foods my intestines cannot digest properly. These be fibres, sugars and ...a 3rd one, I forget. I help gas pass the band my stomach massage, and lying on right side and then stomach. Also mindfulness is important to me to make my bowels do their thing. There seems to be no movement at all unless I relax and feel safe and not-worried.
fatigue after BM = nervous system in disarray? my nervous system is so susceptable to stress... Bowel stress sends it over the edge so easily. I feel bowels are the most important organ in my body. Sometimes I wonder if everything else is not just in servitude to the bowels. Including the nervous system. That all nerves begin in the bowels. I still don't know why I have to lie down after BM.
talk more to you tomorrow.