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Feeling better after sweating.


iherb code TAK122
Well its been 2 weeks since I felt anything like even partly functional, fatigue to the point I couldn't get dressed. This past week I've had some pretty fierce sweating sessions, within seconds I'm drenched. I actually felt a bit better on Thurs after sweating profusely on Wed. Today I've been back to feeling rough, I got changed to try to go and pick up my new glasses but quickly realised I couldn't do the 30yd walk to the shop from the car or cope with trying them on etc etc. I felt quite depressed and walked outside, sat on a gardening stool and pulled a couple of weeds out, the sun came out and within a couple of minutes I started sweating, this happened 3/4 times within the next half hour. BUT I started to feel better shortly afterwards, came back in and still fatigued but better than I did before the sweating started.

So is it viral - what do you think?
I'm tempted to rush down to the clinic and get my EBV and CMV levels tested........I'm so sick of it.

I usually progress, getting a bit better as each day goes on when I've had viral re-activations before but this time I feel it 3 steps forward and 3 back, it saddens me to think it may be my body getting weaker and not as able to fight them as well as was able to a few years ago.


But I Look So Good.
Left Coast
It almost sounds like the sweat is getting rid of some toxins in your body. Not sure that would happen with a virus but maybe something else is at work there.
You are lucky there is NO test here in the UK for level testing they only test if you have been or recently been infected :(

All Dr says is you have no active viruses, but impossible to say that if there are no tests for levels. I am so cold intolerant I have cold sweats & shaking every day. Not good.
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iherb code TAK122
Well yes when I say levels I mean testing to see if its an active infection - its been off the scale in previous years when I've gone for testing.


Senior Member
Am I wrong or did you tell that you have had amalgam fillings replaced recently? That could give a lot of symptoms afterwards if not made with caution by the dentist, or if you are sensitive to toxins.


iherb code TAK122
yes I did have an amalgam removed mid December and these recent problems started a few weeks later, too sick to do a proper detox and so it goes around and around. I think the sweating is either viral or bacterial, it isn't following exactly my previous experiences, I would be knocked out in bed unable to eat or drink for a few days, then water and dry toast and so on, 2 -3 weeks and I would be feeling a lot better, stronger. This time its different.
People have said a lot on here how the illness seems to change over time.

I was always sure it was EBV or CMV the past few times that's why I made the effort to go to the clinic and get tested. At the time it made me feel better:( knowing I was right and the NHS were wrong, didn't heal me though....

But now I don't know - in limbo with the IND Lyme results and a different, more complex set of symptoms.
Is it worth a 600mile round trip and a few hundred pounds for viral testing ...........
My hubby said he'd take me - you know what they say ask a busy man.....


iherb code TAK122
I wonder if given the link with EBV and cancer that if I did have another viral test, and it was positive this would mean that on 4 separate occasions over the past 8yrs I have had an active EBV infection. Now would this encourage my NHS GP to monitor me more carefully??