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Feel extreme head pressure/exploding head/PMS


Senior Member
So this symptom is definitely hormone related for me, but maybe guys have it too? I am doing quite well lately only I have this scary and weird new symptom that my head is under extreme pressure, like it is going to explode. really scary. It does not last the whole day, just a short while, sometimes less than a minute. I also had 2 times "exploding head syndrome" (https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Exploding_head_syndrome) and I heard a very brief (2 sec) very loud sound.
Any suggestions/ experiences welcome here! It is totally freaking me out :)


Senior Member
Leaves, don't have a clue whAt it is. But I get it from time to time. Its been so severe I was prepared to wake up In the hospital, or not at all!!
The pressure is so Intense,im afraid my head will cave in. And like you it dosent last but a few minutes. Although I've had it 3or4times in one day.



Senior Member
Hey Kat,

So sorry you have it too. Yes it really is a terrible feeling. like your brain is bursting out of your head or something, or something terrible is about to happen. I wish I knew what it was.. are your hormones a factor?