Prednisolone was a wonder drug for me... briefly
A couple of months back I went on a 12-day course of Prednisolone to deal with a back problem. The dosage started at 30mg per day for the first three days, and was reduced in steps until I was on 5mg per day for the final three days. From around day-2 until day-5, my overall health was dramatically improved, but as the dosage dropped these benefits rapidly diminished. On the lower doses there was no obvious benefit for my overall health.
My doctor explained that a prolonged course on the higher dosage would be untenable, due to expected side-effects.
People have diverse mood reactions to Prednisolone, with some experiencing euphoria. In my case, my mood was only marginally altered, and so I concluded that the benefits I experienced couldn't be attributed to mood elevation.
That golden window of improved health was like an "Awakening" moment (for those of you who've seen the Robin Williams film by that name). I didn't return to full normal health, but the change was startling, as if I'd been lifted out of a hole. Benefits included better sleep, cognitive functioning, exercise tolerance and energy levels, and diminished sore throat...
Most startling was regaining my ability to function. I suddenly felt like doing things - so many everyday household tasks suddenly seemed easy and natural things to do, whereas normally they seem difficult and onerous. It certainly helped being able to think clearly. I started to catch up on all manner of things (eg dealing with mail from several months back, that hadn't previously been opened - non-urgent mail often gets tossed aside).