"free at last", I don't think that your "words seem silly". what you're suggesting might happen.
But please, we're not profits... there are many aspects to this thing. For exapmle, it's possible the the CDC have published their study knowing that there will be another well-performed study be the NIH and FDA (or researchers from there, because from what I've read it's possible that Alter et al would state that this study does not represent the NIH and FDA) to would find contradictory evidence, but the publishing the CDC's study was their only way to try and stop the truth from being accepted? I mean, perhaps the CDC still wanted to fight it, even at a greater risk, than to come out and say: "Yes, we have been absolutely wrong and misleading for 25 years"?
Don't foget that Harvey Alter and the other researchers in this study didn't perform it in order to distract people from the truth - and the evidence for that is that they DID find a strong connection between ME/CFS and XMRV. I think it's likely that they won't allow their study to be disputed.
From what I've read lately, the process was as following: The two papers were accepted for publication. Then the journals were asked to hold the publication. When they were asked to do so, the editor of PNAS sent the Alter's study for further review, which came back with requirement for additional studies. Meanwhile, the embargo was lifted and the CDC's study was published, but the NIH/FDA one wasn't, because they still haven't completed the studies they were asked to complete BY THE JOURNAL. Now, apparently, they have finished them, and the study is about the be published with the same conclusion.
Now, it's also, as I said, entirely possible that what you're saying is right. We can state many reasons why it might be right, and you've stated some of them. As I did here, we can also state many reasons as to why it might be wrong. I think it's better not to make predictions, but to keep being suspicious and to wait for the study to come out.
I always feel one way, then you guys make perfect sense, and i end up feeling like a parenoid fool, that is untill the big day, then i dont feel so parenoid and just realize it really is as bad and corrupt, as i always seem to see.
you know my views are too extreme i accept that, i truely belive people can be threatend, or payed handsomely or told its for the good of the nation to play along, that includes journals and scientists alike.
yes im suggesting pressure or reason can be put on people you wouldnt think can be corrupted. I have no evidence of this of course so its really in the realms of the x files, that is, as i say, untill the big day.
with our eyes and hearts open wide, filled with hope for a new beggining and future, like others here excited to think that its really going to happen this time. Well when it does ill throw away my parenoid thoughts and embrace this new truthfull begining we all want to see. instead of the smack in the face i feel we all are going to get when that paper is released,
Rumour that the conclusions of the NIH paper have not changed since additional studies have been completed, mean nothing to me, i want the positive paper, rumours are often so unreliable as to be pointless mentioning them.
The CDC fighting back with that poor negative study, when a much better, more conclusive one is about to be released, seems way off to me. They (CDC ) are not that stupid, they are fighting for there life here, and doing that would just damage them beyond belief.
If they know there time is up here (CDC again ) it would have made more sense for them to delay that negative paper, then work with the NIH at discovering why the two research teams results were so different. either convincing Alter that he was wrong, or jumping on the bandwagon with them, and saying see we do tell the truth we are on your side.
in the excitment of it all, a lot might forgive them, or at least think maybe they just needed evidence that they now have.
They would certainly come up smelling of roses a lot more than fighting back with a poor study, Knowing a much better one was coming making them look for all the world like idiots.
But thats my problem i know they are not idiots at all, and feel strongly they know exactly what they are doing.
Indeed they seem to know something we do not, something that will get them out of this mess. I belive that something is, problems will be found with the original conclusions of the Alter paper.
They will find problems, they will make problems whatever, the CDC and NIH studies will unite, but im afraid its under the carpet time again.
Yes i really dont trust goverments or depts at all, sorry Mr clinton went on national tv, and lied to the nation about Monica, to save hes bacon. Are the CDC Powerful enough to do the same and more, I think they could be, especially if they convinced those in higher places, that this has to be the way they deal with this issue.
Since wpi released there study there has been a systematic effort to discredit there findings worldwide, some may argue no this is just poor science, rubbish, they know what they are doing
if there own familys lifes depended on it, how many would have replicated the wpi science by now ? to date not 1 single study lol.
Im glad some have faith, i hope i am wrong. i will laugh with you all when our world changes, and the NIH paper changes everything for us for ever. And will laugh how parenoid i became back then for a while, with you all.
Tick tock, we will know soon enough. Good luck everybody, a part of me is hoping with you all, the part that wasnt destroyed by some doctors handling of my illness, and those who teach them, that we are all illness belief mentally disturbed, Long live the WPI, and mr Hooper, and so many who fight these wicked corrupt people who have judged us, and left us for dead, in some cases leading to that, shame on the CDC, Simon wessley, Bill Reeves, and others, you know who you are, even if we do not.