There are other costs to the patient to. A person I know with cfs has a massage every week and sees an osteopath every week and also sees a physiotherapist every couple of weeks on an ongoing basis. This is not a luxury either - it's a necessity to deal with the pain and the tightened muscles. She sees a doctor almost every week over something- ear infections, yeast, headaches, sleep, depression, pain, etc. I swear we must have seen every type of doctor there is to try to figure out what is wrong. The costs to the patient are big.
i remember when I was growing up - you almost never heard of people having massages. Nowadays, they are everywhere and I wonder if the growing number of people with cfs and fibro have contributed to the demands.
i remember when I was growing up - you almost never heard of people having massages. Nowadays, they are everywhere and I wonder if the growing number of people with cfs and fibro have contributed to the demands.