FDA and NIH confirm WPI XMRV findings (report of leaked presentation)


Senior Member
Is it right for the WPI to leak information like this by the way? Just wondering as leaking a peers work sounds a little..yeah.

It's not a WPI leak in any way, shape or form. They simply posted the link to the press release from the Netherlands.



Watchoo lookin' at?
thats right, but the info that the paper will soon be published was told today and not a month ago, thats what I meant to say

Oh, I see.

But it's still crazy that this happened a month ago and were just now hearing about it. If it is true then it's the final piece of this puzzle.

Rumor or not....it's got me pretty excited.


Senior Member
You mean the rumor YOU started?

I was responsible for that CDC leak, inadvertently, but did not start the rumor or post the information to the forum, or encourage anyone to do so. Cort started that rumor after I mentioned the CDC study and pending press release to him and forgot to mention that it was confidential. Period. No conspiracy, just ordinary CFS brain fog. Apparently the CDC pulled the press release but the paper is still in press, or in some final holding point pending authorization of some type.

Is it right for the WPI to leak information like this by the way? Just wondering as leaking a peers work sounds a little..yeah.

WPI is just passing along what is becoming common knowledge, they are not the leak. But I expect they have known this for months and probably are just glad to see the information out there. They should be noting that this is still unofficial information.


Senior Member
Is it right for the WPI to leak information like this by the way? Just wondering as leaking a peers work sounds a little..yeah.

There are lots of things about the WPI which are kind of.. yeah.

If their results get validated I couldn't care less though.

LOL - I feel like I'd just calmed my XMRV obsession - "I'm finally getting numb to it" - now this thread. It reminded me of this strip:


Whole story here: http://www.marcellosendos.ch/comics/ch/1989/03/198903.html
Leicestershire, England.
it was all over facebook before it appeared on wpi page , so please dont accuse wpi of leaking this

Ah right I see :) thanks for the correction, got a little confused by brain fog.
I agree again with you again kurt hah, would be nice for them to state it isn't official, unless they have and my brain has completely forgot.

The joys of brain fog.


Senior Member
Zagreb? Did we know about this? Croatia? Was this top secret, in that no one but the invitees even knew it was happening? Why Croatia of all places?

don't know but wanted to brag my mum was born and bred Zagreb gal :D


Senior Member
I was just about to fall asleep when i did a last scoop for news, so the brain isn't the best. I just looked at the PDF of the conference, did I not see it in print? 'we at NIH have confirmed the WPI findings'. Why then is it not 100%?

I especially like the page where its shown how long it takes for some pathogens to be acted on. Seems he has a conscience he is prepared to act on.

cfs since 1998

Senior Member
I was responsible for that CDC leak, inadvertently, but did not start the rumor or post the information to the forum, or encourage anyone to do so. Cort started that rumor after I mentioned the CDC study and pending press release to him and forgot to mention that it was confidential. Period. No conspiracy, just ordinary CFS brain fog. Apparently the CDC pulled the press release but the paper is still in press, or in some final holding point pending authorization of some type.

You are arguing semantics. You and Cort together started that rumor here on this website. That is not the same thing as a news story published by a wire service. I don't get why you are using the rumor you helped to start as evidence that the wire service story might be untrustworthy.


Señor Mumbler
What a great picture. I couldn't resist and I figured that I wouldn't last long.

Love it. Alter (or whoever added the photos) had a sense of humor, perhaps a bit warped, but definitly funny.


Senior Member
Victoria, BC
Woot? It is great for the results to be proven! I have been a sceptic but this seems pretty clear.

Imagine what happens if this hits on a slow news day. VIRUS IN BLOOD SUPPLY : 10 Reasons why you need to panic RIGHT NOW!!!!!!! Ack!


Senior Member
Still, I don't think the WPI would have put it up on the site unless they have background confirmatory evidence and sources, which of course, they can't divulge.

Did they put it on the WPI site? I can't find it on there. Or are you just talking about the facebook status update?