Sean, from what I have heard from other patients, and my own experience, most of us have lower than normal cortisol after getting the disease.
Also, since testing is usually not done until after the person is ill, and by the way, the fatigue must be over six months to get a diagnosis, then of course there is not way of knowing whether the people had insreased cortisol. I am afraid all we have is anecdotal evidence.
I can say for me, stress was and is a factor. I do not believe it is caused by stress, but as Mikovits said, cortisol does make it rev up. That makes sense with the push and crash cycle. Plus, my symptoms (headache and nausea) are worse in times of stress.
Of course, I think co-infections may play a role, androgen hormone fluctuations and other factors may be the trigger in some people. I thin for many of us, it is a combination of these triggers that may have pushed us over the edge, or down into the labyrinth, as it were.