FDA and NIH confirm WPI XMRV findings (report of leaked presentation)


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
STIGMA: The way I see it is, we're already stigmatized, and some sufferers were berated with atrocious labels like the 'yuppie flu' remark!! CDC cover ups in the 80's, and the buried retroviral link of the early 90's. The rest of that decade came with the undeserving sick label, and 'you don't look that ill', or, 'you just need to do some exercise'! We were all lazy, cake eaters! All this misinformation was fed to the media from various sources whom were supposed to be helping us, not hindering us.

XMRV should add a grave reality towards ME, especially if it is proven to be infectious. We'll all still be sick for a while, but I really doubt people could treat us any worse. There is so much sympathy around when it comes to disease these days. HIV/AIDS had to cope with the 80's homophobia. Nowadays, a child staring at a physically disabled person is reprimanded by the parents. Well I would. And the other positive of serious research funding, hopefully leading to treatment, in fact just having a real ME specialist would be nice.

Another point is a question, how many people do you do whom has HIV/AIDS? I know of no one. If the figures are correct, your neighbour could have XMRV, and not even know it. It may proven to not be an exclusive disease, and that will also add to acceptance. As someone mention earily on here, members of our government now would be positive, doctors working now would be positive, people from all background, races , and creeds would be positive. We certainly won't be on our own here.

And we will get what we've always deserved, to be taken seriously.


Senior Member
STIGMA: The way I see it is, we're already stigmatized, and some sufferers were berated with atrocious labels like the 'yuppie flu' remark!! CDC cover ups in the 80's, and the buried retroviral link of the early 90's. The rest of that decade came with the undeserving sick label, and 'you don't look that ill', or, 'you just need to do some exercise'! We were all lazy, cake eaters! All this misinformation was fed to the media from various sources whom were supposed to be helping us, not hindering us.

XMRV should add a grave reality towards ME, especially if it is proven to be infectious. We'll all still be sick for a while, but I really doubt people could treat us any worse. There is so much sympathy around when it comes to disease these days. HIV/AIDS had to cope with the 80's homophobia. Nowadays, a child staring at a physically disabled person is reprimanded by the parents. Well I would. And the other positive of serious research funding, hopefully leading to treatment, in fact just having a real ME specialist would be nice.

Another point is a question, how many people do you do whom has HIV/AIDS? I know of no one. If the figures are correct, your neighbour could have XMRV, and not even know it. It may proven to not be an exclusive disease, and that will also add to acceptance. As someone mention earily on here, members of our government now would be positive, doctors working now would be positive, people from all background, races , and creeds would be positive. We certainly won't be on our own here.

And we will get what we've always deserved, to be taken seriously.

Those are all really good points, too. My brain isn't really operating well enough to have any kind of meaningful reply, but let's only hope it's nowhere but forward from here, in every respect - medical and social.


Señor Mumbler
Hi all,

This is very exciting news!! I can't quite believe it!!

Just to help me know that I am not seeing things can anyone explain the weird photos that appear to be in the Alter lecture pdf download? CBS's avatar appears to be in there and a couple of weird photos of little kids. CBS did you take this out of the pdf? I would like to send a copy of this on to one or two people I know that woud be interested, but don't want to do so if there is some type of weird virus affecting my files (no pun intended!)



CFS took the photo FROM the presentation and made it his avatar, so this file isn't infecting his account. There was a discussion about this earlier in the thread. The choice of photos, I think, was intended to add some levity to the presentation but I'm sure.some would think he went too far with that attempt, but they weren't intended for distribution across the net either.

If you have the latest version of Acrobat and anti-virus software you should.be safe in downloading and forwarding the file, or a link to it.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I wonder if part of the hold up on the official release of this information is connected with the need to have an accepted test for XMRV both for individuals and for the blood supply. Any ideas?

it could be.. I imagine the following senario if word got out of contaminated blood supplies with a virus which may be cause major disability (CFS). One would have some parents refusing to consent to children having needed blood transfusions... eg children then ending up dying due to the blood bank scare. The whole thing would cause a lot of chaos, i think they would want to have the testing procedures all sorted out and in place first.

I personally would think they would want to make sure the blood supply is clear first.. so they can confidently tell public the blood there is safe. With the leak thou of the news in advance.. i cant see now how they can continue to keep the news secret, they will have to come out with it much earlier


Senior Member
Sth Australia
LOL. Have ERV and Wessely commented yet? That should be entertaining! And for the bystander, even if you're such a humanitarian that you think you kind of ought to try to save their lives (even though you know you should probably just leave them to it and nobody would thank you for saving them), there's nothing you could do anyway because they've locked the doors from the inside and they're trying to deal with the situation by all holding hands and chanting "there Is No Train. there Is No Train."

There is evidence, apparently, that the technique is sometimes effective for those furthest away from the train, but that evidence is not yet considered conclusive, and it might just prove to be a poor choice for anyone sitting on the railway line, in the long term...:D

Maybe it can be suggested that Wessley can go and have some CBT now for his delusions. I truely think he needs treatment as he's so in denial. Denial+Delusions = CBT


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
I have a point regarding Dr. Dodd's doomsday possibility:

Imagine a virus that just wipes people out, a world without man proposition. If you wish to be cynical, that wouldn't cost governments anything, they won't be here to pick up the tab!!

But imagine a virus/disease that ends a person ability to be productive, and costs huge amounts to treat, and care for basically because of the numbers infected. A huge slice of the global population that becomes exacerbated by a just doing anything physical. That's is an economical disaster for governments across the globe, and it would legitimise a persons inability do anything. And it is because they're sick, and not because they’re lazy. There only way to treat them is with drugs, that either haven‘t been developed yet, or the ones that have, may not suit everyone.

Maybe in severe, or untreated cases, ME/XMRV is fatal, but again, from a cynical governments point of view, when you're dead, you don't cost anything!! We'd probably become known as the living dead!!! And I kinda like that. Literally, a zombie doomsday scenario!! Dr. Coffin suggested it has been around for 50 years, and if that’s true, god knows how many people will be infected.

Anyone come near me, and I'll bite yer!!!


Senior Member

Leaks, as opposed to rumours, are vital to help keep the pressure up. Keep things moving.

More leaks please...oh and will someone pass me the carrotts please?

Adam, you never fail to make me smile, if not outright laugh out loud.

I thank you for that!



Senior Member
well... if you read Alter's presentation... the one the article is on.. he actually talks about a TON of other viruses and bacteria that are entering the population... he does have a whole section on XMRV... but its looking like XMRV isn't the only thing to worry about anymore lol

it looks like he went into some detail on various pathogens.....

everytime i start reading about malaria i get weirded out because I live in central florida... a few years ago... like 15 or so, the white tiger fly mosquito made its way into the state... its the one in africa that carries malaria... and well, we now have the highest concentrations in the world :(
Dr. Coffin suggested it has been around for 50 years, and if thats true, god knows how many people will be infected.

I think there is evidence that ME/CFS (XMRV) has been around longer than 50 years. It has affected 5 generations of my family. My grandmother became bedridden with an unknown illness in the 1930's. She was 28. My mother was diagnosed with diabetes, but she had all the signs and symptoms of ME. One of my aunts has been diagnosed with CFS, another with fibromyalgia and uterine cancer, and a third with sarcoidosis.

My son and I both have CFS, and a couple of my grandchildren are showing signs.

My grandmother's brother moved to Fresno, California, in the 1940's. He died at a young age, but I don't know what he supposedly died of. I would hate to think our family was one of the earliest affected by this disease and has spread it to a lot of people. :eek:



Senior Member
was this a purposeful leak?

a friend suggested to me that this news was purposefully leaked by the NIH to the dutch journalists, knowing it would go "viral" online. a trial test balloon, to see how the public reacts. let the news out slowly...?


Senior Member
how erv is doing.:D

Do we really care? Do we have enough energy to worry about what someone like ERV thinks? To borrow a term coined earlier in this thread, do we actually think this will change the ravings of a CFS denier? You want to hit someone like that where is hurts? Stop acknowledging them. I guarantee that it will drive them over the brink (and if it doesn't, who cares?).

If we want to fill a lull, let's talk about something that really matters. USA1, Algeria 0! (no offense intended to any Algerians - Congrats England).


Senior Member
Long Beach, CA
i think we should all consider thanking Ortho, the magazine that did this investigative journalism and gave us today's (last night's) AMAZING LIFE CHANGING info. i just sent them an email. here is the press release again and Ortho's contact info:


ORTHO is a Dutch magazine for health professionals focusing on nutrition and dietary supplements. ORTHO has been publishing reports on CFS since 1988. Editor-in-chief: Gert E. Schuitemaker (PhD). Tel: + 31 (0) 315 695211 / + 49 (0) 170 808 9484. E-mail: ortho@orthoeurope.com.

Or you could PM her, since she posted on this thread. Post #69, I think.


Senior Member
North West, England, UK
Hi vdt33,

Your absolutely right, I have heard of illnesses resembling ME going back to the 1880s!! To be specific, one of the Jack the Ripper suspects had what was described as ME (if he really had ME, I doubt he'd be in any position to approach a prostitute, let alone murder one)!!! He was a resident at a nearby hospital. Yes, in those days, if you were sick, you could admit yourself into a hospital, and they'd give you a bed!! Imagine that now, you'd be laughed out of the ER!!!!


Senior Member
I don't think there will be the same horrible type and level of stigma directed at those of us with XMRV/CFIDS as there was initially with the poor AIDS/HIV gay men. XMRV and CFIDS/ME strikes children and very young and they don't have sex or engage in other nefarious activities that could be "blamed" for contracting/spreading XMRV.

If the whole XMRV thing turns out to be solid, then XMRV will probably be viewed as other viruses are in the way that they are spread. I really dare someone to point a finger at a child with CFIDS (and XMRV) and damn them.


I do suspect that the majority of us were just killing ourselves working, dealing with stress and damaging our immune systems such that we compromised them to the point of getting viruses - including XMRV. I wasn't having "fun" or playing games pre-CFIDS, I was killing myself in all areas and then got sick. If I ever hear one comment directed at me that I did something to "deserve" this virus I will knock that person in the mouth.

LOL. I too was 'killing myself' for at least 10 years, with many warning signs, before I finally ended up at the ER -- but then there are those who were apparently feeling well and not stressed, then suddenly became ill, the most famous being Erik Johnson of the Incline Village outbreak. (There's the so-called 'sudden' onset, gradual onset, and I still think we should have a third category...'gradually sudden', but that's a question for another another thread.)

I haven't been tested, and probably can't afford it for quite awhile, so I have no idea of my status, yet I believe there are and will always be completely legitimate cases of ME/CFS where the patient is XMRV-negative. There are just too many other factors involved. (Just one example, ME/CFS patients with MCS or mold issues who are just as ill as anyone else yet might indeed be XMRV negative). So I hope there won't be any "well you don't have REAL ME/CFS" comments going on if people should end up testing negative, as some already have.
