Karen Rhine <krhine@fit.edu> via Co-Cure Jan 4 10
Fatigue Management Institute Launches National Fatigue Survey
MELBOURNE, FLA.—The Fatigue Management Institute of Florida Institute of Technology has launched the National Chronic Fatigue Survey, an internet-based survey of fatigue related to chronic illness. The survey is designed to gather information on the nature and impact of fatigue associated with chronic medical disorders.
The institute will use survey findings to better describe the experience and severity of fatigue related to chronic medical conditions. This effort is expected to contribute to the development of improved techniques for managing fatigue. The Survey is open to adults with a chronic medical condition and can be completed anonymously. It may be accessed at: http://research.fit.edu/fmi .
For further information contact Professor Thom Harrell, Florida Tech School of Psychology, at <tharrell@fit.edu>.
About the Fatigue Management Institute
The Fatigue Management Institute serves as a focal point for integrating emerging research findings on illness-related fatigue with techniques for day-to-day management of fatigue. The Institute conducts research on fatigue and fatigue management interventions, provides fatigue management training, and disseminates summaries of research findings related to fatigue and its management in chronic medical conditions. The initial report from the National Fatigue Survey will be posted on our Web site in March 2010.
Karen Rhine
Assistant Director
University Communications
Florida Institute of Technology
(321) 674-8964
if: Does anyone know anything about this Institute, this survey, previous work, Prof Tom Harrel?
The survey looks to have a lot of questions aimed at depression, and has some language choices that are not neutral, eg "preoccupied with conserving energy.
But CFS is included in the list of diseases about 1/2 way through. Maybe it would be good to have CFS patients filling it out so they see that normal symptoms are strong fatigue, no depression
I don't know about this.
Fatigue Management Institute Launches National Fatigue Survey
MELBOURNE, FLA.—The Fatigue Management Institute of Florida Institute of Technology has launched the National Chronic Fatigue Survey, an internet-based survey of fatigue related to chronic illness. The survey is designed to gather information on the nature and impact of fatigue associated with chronic medical disorders.
The institute will use survey findings to better describe the experience and severity of fatigue related to chronic medical conditions. This effort is expected to contribute to the development of improved techniques for managing fatigue. The Survey is open to adults with a chronic medical condition and can be completed anonymously. It may be accessed at: http://research.fit.edu/fmi .
For further information contact Professor Thom Harrell, Florida Tech School of Psychology, at <tharrell@fit.edu>.
About the Fatigue Management Institute
The Fatigue Management Institute serves as a focal point for integrating emerging research findings on illness-related fatigue with techniques for day-to-day management of fatigue. The Institute conducts research on fatigue and fatigue management interventions, provides fatigue management training, and disseminates summaries of research findings related to fatigue and its management in chronic medical conditions. The initial report from the National Fatigue Survey will be posted on our Web site in March 2010.
Karen Rhine
Assistant Director
University Communications
Florida Institute of Technology
(321) 674-8964