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Fatigue, gut and palpitation

Hi, guys!

Recently I started to notice one strange thing. It seems that my fatigue becomes worse after bowel movements (it becomes more painful too) and after enemas. I also developed palpitations (100-110 beats per minute). I had episodes of fatigue after enemas 4 years ago but it went away. During that period I also had palpitations. Strange thing is that after that I did a thousand enemas and everything was fine, there were no fatigue. I also had painful gut sometimes, episodes of acute colitis, but it never went along with fatigue or heart problems. It seems that the problems is in the gut but including something else I can't identify. Is anybody here with same problems? Thanks!
Grand Rapids, MI USA
Hi Ekaterina. I just read your message and I can relate. My symptoms spike about 20 minutes after bowel movements.

There is a more recent thread where this is being discussed. It is labeled, "Feeling exhausted after bowel movement."
Grand Rapids, MI USA
That could make sense for some people.

For myself and at least some couple dozen others who have similar symptoms (reporting on another site), we note that we don't strain, but the symptoms are severe for a while. After 15-20 minutes, sitting up is an example of a huge chore that can drain us further. We have to lie down or wish we could. Symptoms often last for several hours. The deep level of heavy exhaustion and getting further muscle aches and pains from sitting up or standing can't be explained by the amount of energy expended by diaphram or bowel function in the bowel movement. Something else is getting triggered.

Some people get nauseous before their bowel movement and exhaustion, but most of us report no nausea. Otherwise, symptoms of people with this seem fairly similar.

The muscle aches and pain and feeling of muscle pseudo-stiffness while lying down and night/nap sweats are all very similar to my other ME/CFS symptoms that occur with some activity.

The 20-minute wait after the BM for symptoms to heavily kick in is another oddness.
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