famvir stronger then valtrex??

Thank you everybody for your input, most of you have a much better understanding of the metrics of these many issue's. I can't believe sometimes
how desperate I have become. I'm currently taking Trans Factors, Probiotics, Amoxicillin, Valtrex and vitamins. I'm praying someone doesn't post that eating
monkey poop will cure me, as stated above, I'm desperate! The last ID said loose 10-15 lbs. lower my carb intake, exericise and meditate. I'm sick, if
I meditate I will just think about how bad I feel. There are alot of people here that are far worse off than I, and like me, could just scream.

many thanks,


Senior Member
Upnorth, that is a good question. My idea is that it is necessary, in my "case", to go down the antiviral treatment path. It seems the most obvious direction that brings some benefit to that subgroup that might have reactivated viruses, whether or not there is XMRV involved. My assumption, with the "dragging down", is not so much that the Famvir is not working, but, for the moment, quite the opposite. So the choice is not so much when to stop it, but finding the dosage level that is tolerable, and one that does not create a herx reaction that is too unpleasant. It has always been my contention that to go from point A to point B in this illness is not without its difficulties - and these difficulties can be manifold and are individual. The hope and expectation is that, in time, the reaction to any particular dosage will dissipate and then the dosage can be raised a small amount. In this way, over time, a dosage might be raised. Conversely, if this does not happen, one needs to cut back to the the level that is tolerable. If this level is zero, then that is a problem. At this moment, I am not convinced that the level is zero in my case. Additionally, if one does have a magnificent intolerance to Famvir, one can look for competing issues, like lyme or mold that might interfere with the tolerability of certain medication. In this regard, any of the posts, here or elsewhere, of Slayadragon are useful. And then there is the question of Artesunate, as an alternative to Famvir and other standard antivirals. This is the path now taken by Cheney and de Meirleir. Is anyone doing both standard AV/s and artesunate? Are they compatible?




iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
i just got my results back from a lab that specialises in infectious diseases, i was negative to ebv VCA IgG, VCA IgM, EBNA IgG. I was positive to CMV IgG positive, IgM not detected, had a monoculosis to cmv back in Jan 2002, i tested negative to ebv then but positive to ebv october 2002 VCA IgG. Begining of 2008 had another ebv test done which was negative, this test was pre antivirals.

So Im wondering if the positive ebv test i had was a false positive or my immune system doesnt make antibodies to ebv. I had something similar with hepatittis b vacination where i did the 3 injection course had antibodies etc, 10 years later i had another hepB antibody test which showed negative to hepB, my doc at the time said i should have shown some antibodies to hepB and he thought it was strange. I also wonder if antivirals could lower antibodies to a level that is undetectable. CMV explains maybe why valtrex didnt have much of an effect on me where a famvir did, maybe famvir has stronger activity against cmv then valtrex does.

Its all interesting, maybe need to start looking into other possible infections as my immune system tests show its fighting some sort of infection although it just might be CMV causing all my problems.

Hi heapsreal and upnorth,
Thank you for your wisdom as with most of the people here I seem to find more helpful info. from you guys than the ID docs I've seen. I jumped on board with Imunovir and Famvir and enough supplements to fill up a whale, not true, if it were I would not be insatiably hungry all the time. I don't think
the hunger is being caused by the blue's, who knows. Three days on the Famvir and I can notice some general increase in malaise not as bad as Valtrex, the ten days prior on Imunovir did not seem to cause any ill effects. I've read here and still can't get a handle on the months and years that may be or probably are facing me consuming so many meds that you have to purchase a special egg carton type container just to keep track of all them. God, maybe I'm depressed, I guess like everybody, I wonder what happened to the take two of these and call me in the morning went off to. The worst of the symptoms in my case has been the confusion and anxiety, how does everyone manage to function? I usually can't even remember what I've said, posted, done or not done, this is really frustrating, and it seems the only time I really have spoken about these issues is on this website. I guess I have told my tale to maybe four uninterested ID docs, but the was like going out and talking to the barn.

I wish everyone well, I mean healthy!
HHV-6, EBV, Lyme, and Prostate Cancer, the last being the least troubling, in as it does not interfere with simple function, i.e. remembering the end of a sentence. The only doctor I have found that is willing to do anything to treat the infections is my family PCP and that is mostly because of what I bring him from this and a couple of other sites. He knows me and really knows I'm sick. When I went to him 4 months ago with what I thought was the flu, he ran a lot of blood work, this coming back so bad he and an internal med. doc thought I had some sort of cancer. I was then referred to the Sydney Kimell Cancer clinic at Hopkins where they determined that cancer was not the cause, it was indeed the infections. Then several ID docs later, I'm back to ground zero. The last recommended meditation,
loose 15lbs. and cut back on carbs, at least my family doc is willing to try anything reasonable, works for me. P.S. I'm waiting to have the XMRV test
done as soon as it seems more sorted out.



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
dr lerners study showed lack of progress with antivirals when theres other infections going on. Just a thought, maybe some doxycyline for the lyme has it has a broad spectrum of activity and may work against other bacterial infections not picked up, i would also add nystatin to prevent any yeast infections occurring from antibiotics.

I think theres a market for 1 pill to contain an antibiotic, antiviral and an antiyeast, sounds good but would be the size of a hockey puck! lol. I think cfsers are prone to multiple infections from our worn out immune systems although hopefully the immunovir helps u with that.

Hi heapsreal,
I take Amoxicillin 500mg 3X daily and 250mg Azithromycin once daily and a shot in me arse 2 gs. weekly of Rocephin (just started). Other antibiotics include 22lbs of Doxycycline along with others over the last year and a half. I also take transfer factor from ProHealth with HHV-6 something, something, probiotics, LDN for 3 years. I'm a walking medicine cabinet. I told my PCP to call me invitro.

Now, what about the dog and cat fight going on with the LLMD's and the ID's, no such thing as chronic Lyme? I honestly do not know what to believe, medicine has not been my strong suit, and I really find my (along with others) illness's plum overwhelming!!!!!


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
nventor, with taking so many things can u tell what helps and what doesnt. Have your titre values gone down on any of your blood tests. Im also looking into prohealth transfer factors, have u noticed anything from these.

Hi heapsreal,
I've been traveling and off line for sometime, I would normally respond much sooner. I have not had any additional blood work done as the last two ID doctors did not believe that any of the illness's I've discussed here could cause any symptoms at all and pretty much anyone that thought so was cookoo.
I'm very serious and take no pleasure in repeating this awful attitude that seems to be not so uncommon.

I'm definitely taking a lot of different meds but mostly Vits. and supplements, excluding the antibiotics and the Imunovir and Famvir. Today however is the third full day on Famvir and I felt noticeably better, I know it's to soon to say, but it is the first time in months I could say this. I also saw my PCP who gave me another Rocephin shot in my butt, I agreed to continue with the antibiotics and he agreed to manage the antivirals including Valcyte if there was not improvement in the next couple of months. We spoke about additional blood work but decided to wait another couple of weeks giving the antivirals some time to work.

P.S. I just ordered the Pro Health targeted to HHV-6, I have been taking another trans factor from a different manufacture.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Hi nventor,
Are u still feeling better? Ive now been back on famvir for about 6 weeks and im definately feeling better. Ive just come back from 7 days holiday cruise and it was good. A few on shore day trips which involved abit of walking didnt trouble me like they would have a few months ago, although i needed the odd nanny nap some afternoons but not every afternoon. I actually wasn't looking forward to this holiday as i didnt want to be stuck in my room while the rest of my family were holidaying and dad was just sleeping again. I think my wife actually felt she had a husband, it was good to socialise as a couple. Fingers crossed it keeps going.

Welcome back, glad you had a good time. I'm doing a million times better on Famvir than I did on Valtrex. Not only do I feel much better, but I have zero side effects. I did read somewhere, I believe here on this site that Dr. Bell recommended sporadic use of an antiviral like Valcyte along with continued use of others like in my case Famvir and Imunovir. May give it a try, maybe they should call this the desperate I'll try anything disease. I also got Trans Factor 200's in from ProHealth, I'll give em try, any port in a storm, are you using Trans Factors? If so, can you see any improvement?



iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi nventor,
I tried a basic transfer factor (nil effect)but am looking into tf100 and 200 but have a few other things im going to try first. I have about 6 weeks worth of cycloferon which is an immune modulator similar to immunovir, im just waiting for some tests to comeback before starting.

Hi heapsreal or anyone that can help,

Do you remember a post here about the random use of antivirals such as Valcyte
with the possible use also of Imunovir and Famvir. I believe it was by Dr. Bell and I
would love to further explore this idea of treatment and bring what I find to my PCP.
I have not been able to find an ID that even would treat and or take seriously my HHV-6
EBV, and the wackiest blood work known (similar to a turtle's). Seriously though, the Famvir
seems to really be helping, but I'm no where even close to feeling well. Besides, with
watch and wait Prostate Cancer, the thought of XMRV has crossed my mind, an admittedly
the addition of another antiviral that may be helpful for this would perhaps provide a little
peace of mind.

Thank you,


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
hi nventor,
I cant recall any serious info on random use of av's although immune modulators are used with varying doses. After reading lerners study it looks best to just stay on av's until the virus die's out.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
I have more confirmation that famvir is working for me. The cfs study i am in is measuring nk cell function, our first test at the end of last year after 12 months of famvir showed my nk cell function was slightly below normal, the lymphocyte test i had through my doc around the same time was the best it had been since doing these tests over the last 2 years plus, i was also feeling the best i had in awhile. Shortly after these tests i changed to valtrex and my condition slowly deteriorated, since 6 months since being on valtrex my lymphocyte test i get through my doc showed they were all highly elevated plus i was feeling like crap. I have just got my second results back of my nk cell function which showed my nk cell function was extremely low as well as a few other immune abnormalities. I had this test about 3 months ago, after these tests i went back on famvir and have been improving ever since. Just to remind everyone i tested positive for cmv, which is why i think valtrex didnt help me but cmv has been responding to famvir.

I find it interesting how dropping the viral load with antivirals my nk function improves and when off av's my nk function drops. So i have started cycloferron as well which can help improve nk function, but i will start another thread on this.

Hey HR, don't want to get off topic here but you asked once that I let you know how the hepasunate is going. Herxing so bad on some days.
Reminds me of the herxing on the Marshall Protocol. Bascially, lymph node pain in the neck, nausea, malaise, brain fog. Feels like something
is dying in me. I take that as good sign. Will keep taking it.

Otherwise, I am going to ask for rx of famvir. I was on the TF's when my titers went skyhigh. Gotta call the lab about that..
Hey HR

Called the lab. They said the titers were fine. And wanted to sell me other kinds of
products they are just developing. Egg protein and fruits and veggie's stuff. Oh,
well. Natch they are not going to say it is the TF's.