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Famvir and Valcyte treatment experience.

wanted to give an update on my status in case anyone comes to this post and reads it and wants to know more about my progress. (as i said, it's hard when i read people's updates and then they disappear).

today is my 1 month completed of valcyte and famvir and i have not stayed as good as i was when i last posted.

i've had fatigue, slight sore throat, hallucinations of odd sensations, muscle pain, and severe allergies. i usually have allergies, but these were more intense and difficult that any other year i can remember. i lost a lot of sleep three nights in a row, which of course aggravated everything. i'm now taking allergy meds at night to at least try for better sleep.

in the first and second week i was able to take long walks, work on my art, and practice light qi gong. i was also able to cook, run short errands, and meditate. all of this was more than i could do before starting the medicine.

now i'm really needing to check in with myself all day to see where my needs are. energy waxes and wanes and i adjust accordingly.

hope everyone is doing well.


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wanted to give an update on my status in case anyone comes to this post and reads it and wants to know more about my progress. (as i said, it's hard when i read people's updates and then they disappear).

today is my 1 month completed of valcyte and famvir and i have not stayed as good as i was when i last posted.

i've had fatigue, slight sore throat, hallucinations of odd sensations, muscle pain, and severe allergies. i usually have allergies, but these were more intense and difficult that any other year i can remember. i lost a lot of sleep three nights in a row, which of course aggravated everything. i'm now taking allergy meds at night to at least try for better sleep.

in the first and second week i was able to take long walks, work on my art, and practice light qi gong. i was also able to cook, run short errands, and meditate. all of this was more than i could do before starting the medicine.

now i'm really needing to check in with myself all day to see where my needs are. energy waxes and wanes and i adjust accordingly.

hope everyone is doing well.

cool, hang in there, 6 months is the number to really notice improvement, u dont feel worse then u did before av's?
cool, hang in there, 6 months is the number to really notice improvement, u dont feel worse then u did before av's?

hi heapsreal

on the whole, i do not feel worse than before i started the av's. on the whole, i actually feel better than before i started them. i was not expecting this response, and so it's been quite welcome. from reading other threads on this site, and from talking with a few people who i know, i think that the racing heart and muscle pain was associated with the famvir.

of course there's no real way to know. i just know that i have a conglomeration of symptoms and the folks i know on famvir said they had racing heart and muscle pain shortly after beginning, which was true for me in week 1 on both meds.

i pray that my response to the drugs now means good things for six months from now.[/quote]