Not sure that I would trust my pharmacist's advice. He recently asked, when doing one of his unnecessary and unsolicited reviews on my prescription meds, whether I was taking desmopressin to build muscle.

I am not aware of it ever being used to do this, or any ability of the drug to do it.
Interactions, contraindications, etc. can easily be looked up on sites such as and many other authoritative ones.
I certainly wouldn't trust any advice from a pharmacy assistant. One said to me that I had to be careful with an OTC med if I had hypertension. I asked her if she was sure (as I had read that it actually had a risk of causing
hypotension). She asserted that she was. Checked this on arriving home, and I was right and she was wrong. I wonder how many people have suffered dangerous hypotension as a result of her advice.
All I want from the pharmacist is to sell me what I ask for.