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Que sera sera
Month 4 of working on stabilizing after BAD crash that left me about 90-95% bedridden. Was slowly upping my D and Asea and crash went me....and in typical me style I am STILL working on recovering from this nightmare 4 months later....just t stabilize.

One of the issues I am having is I cannot introduce any more meds or supplements at this point, not happening. I have been having severe POTS stuff since August so had to back down off the topical D and other vitamins which were helping to make me a tad functional and go to bathroom easily in wheelchair, do some dishes, etc.

Now, my eyes are puffy, dry and like I am hungover all the time, red, blurry, etc of and on especially in middle of the night, my eyes look horrific. This is scary. I am in no position to leave house to see Dr until I am stronger.

What is going on with my eyes? endocrine system? sooo awful. Doing my best to not worry about it but this weakness and blurry eyes is just....so much.

Praying for better days where I can semi take care of myself again and my children.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I see your post and don't have that much of an issue with that , but I know you can't read and research right now. I will dig around and try to find a link for you.

What foods are you tolerating right now?


Que sera sera
thank you <3

turkey, chicken, butternut squash, sweet potatoes, brown rice, zuchinni, asparagus, spinach, banana, apples, pistachios, peanuts, almonds, cashews.


Senior Member
TCM connects the eyes with the liver.
I get this blurry vision when I am detoxing some kind of toxin. Especially when I am around mold toxins, my eyes gets puffy, blurried and dry. Especially at this time of the year when there is more moisture.


Que sera sera
yep, makes huuuuge sense. My liver has been so compromised through all of this yet I can no longer take supplements to strengthen liver. Huge correlation here though.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
Could you try to introduce not broccoli, but broccoli sprouts? How about walnuts, or beets?
These are thinks I am going to try for myself, as my liver and kidneys are suffering from this illness.
I try one new food in a very small amount like a half a bite, then nothing new again for at least 10 days.
As always, if this does not fit, please disregard.


Que sera sera
just had to get rid of broccoli after some bad situations....I had to get rid of walnuts last year maybe could reintroduce beets. thank-you :)
I don't know if our red eyes are caused by the same thing, but... I definitely have scary red eyes in the night and morning, way more than usual tired eyes, completely blood shot.

It's my second bout of this, it starts and stops suddenly. Last time it started one morning, my eyes went from perfectly fine to horribly dry/bloodshot/blurry overnight... then about a year later I woke up one morning and it was suddenly gone, not even a trace of dry eye. Weird.

I'll let you know if I figure anything out. My doctor had nothing to say when I went to her about it and she won't test me for autoimmune issues (or anything). But I'll keep trying...


Senior Member
Could you try to introduce not broccoli, but broccoli sprouts? How about walnuts, or beets?
These are thinks I am going to try for myself, as my liver and kidneys are suffering from this illness.
I try one new food in a very small amount like a half a bite, then nothing new again for at least 10 days.
As always, if this does not fit, please disregard.

Do you think that supplements with broccoli sprouts do the trick as well?
Example: https://nl.iherb.com/pr/Dr-Mercola-Fermented-Broccoli-Sprouts-30-Capsules/82242

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
Hi @jason30 not for @sunshine44 , but for me, yes that is something I would try. She is not tolerating much of anything. I think for her to add one more food that is a liver detox food is probably an option. She is very sick, and I am getting a little better. I am taking NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) and eating new foods that support detoxing the liver, lungs, and perhaps (I hope), kidneys.

The liver does regenerate, the kidneys once damaged are not known to reverse.


Senior Member
Hi @jason30 not for @sunshine44 , but for me, yes that is something I would try. She is not tolerating much of anything. I think for her to add one more food that is a liver detox food is probably an option. She is very sick, and I am getting a little better. I am taking NAC (N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine) and eating new foods that support detoxing the liver, lungs, and perhaps (I hope), kidneys.

The liver does regenerate, the kidneys once damaged are not known to reverse.

I have tried NAC last week for the first time and it made me sick for a day and after that I felt much better.
I think this have to do with the heavy metal toxicity what's going on.
Hopefully NAC will help you.

jesse's mom

Senior Member
Alabama USA
I have been taking NAC for three months now, I think it is helping. I recovered from bronchitis I think last month, in record time! The BCAAs I am having to start slowly, they gave me a headache for the first few weeks at 2,000 mg, I am taking 1,000 in the morning and it is better.

I tirated up on D very slowly. At first my blood pressure was dropping so badly I was passing out in the middle of sentences!

Magnesium and probiotics I have been taking for a year and I am actually doing better and better over the course of the last 14 months.

I still am fighting a horrible sugar addiction, but I am more moderate now. I tried to get all the way off all sugar, and lost it during the Thanksgiving weekend!

I was reacting to all B vitamins, but I think that will be my next addition.

With the eye thing, some people are having some benefit from using Unisom, it is really an allergy medicine. Doxylamine Succinate Tablets. I bought some, but I have not tried them yet.


Senior Member
Now, my eyes are puffy, dry and like I am hungover all the time, red, blurry, etc of and on especially in middle of the night, my eyes look horrific. This is scary. I am in no position to leave house to see Dr until I am stronger.

I've been wanting to reply to this for a while b/c I have an excellent eye drop that is over the counter. It is called "Zaditor" and the active ingredient is Ketotifen. If you think the cause is allergic, these eye drops are better than all of the prescription eye drops that I have ever tried. If you think it is an eye infection or non-allergic cause, then please check with your doctor and I don't want to steer you wrong!