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Extremely high B cells (CD19) - what's going on? Help understanding results

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
Hi folks. Just a quick update on my results:

I talked to my hematologist about the very high CD19 numbers. He revised all materials, and then contrasted them with the full hematological studies that he performed about 6 months ago. Here's what the hematologist explained:
  • Not to worry about the very high CD19 numbers quite yet: first, the immunoglobulin levels are pretty normal, and didn't see other telltale signs of anything worrisome. He mentioned that oftentimes this is a sign of your body fighting a very specific infection, but he couldn't mention what in particular (viral or bacterial).

  • We should repeat all tests in 3 months and see if anything has changed at all. If nothing has changed then, or if immunoglobulin looks different, then it would be time to do further analysis.

  • My ME/CFS doctor mentioned to me that several studies have observed unexplained high levels of CD19 lymphs in ME/CFS patients; if these unexplained high levels of B-cells continue, I could potentially be a good candidate for Rituximab. Just a thought.
That said, this is not the first time I had extremely high CD19 levels, if my brain-fogged memory serves me well. Let me dig through my medical records, and I will tell you guys a nightmarish story from my first bout of ME/CFS...
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Hi everyone.

I just received the results of my latest lymphocyte panel tests from two weeks ago, but I don't get to see my CFS doctor in a few weeks. Some of the numbers are truly whacky, so I would really appreciate it if someone could kindly explain to me what this means.

Here you have the most dramatic results from the panels, and their reference numbers:
  • Absolute CD19 cells: 1061 (110 - 660 cells/mcL) High
  • Absolute Lymphocytes: 3898 (850 - 3900 cells/mcL) Borderline High
  • % CD8-/CD57+ Lymphs: 1.6 (2.0 - 17.0 %) Low
  • Abs. CD8- CD57+ Lymphs: 35 (60 - 360 /uL) Low
The rest of the numbers in these panels look somewhat within reason. These numbers Iook weird. What can you guys infer from these results?
Thanks in advance.

I recently had a similar finding and ran across your post searching for insight.

CD57+ / CD3- NK 2 and 38
CD19+ 510 (40-383)

Have you learned anything more about your case? I also have had two standard equivocal Lyme tests and very high EBV CMV HHV-6 IGG labs.