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Extremely emotional?


I do not know if I have CFS but since the last year I've gained alot of weight even though I was thin before and could eat absolutely everything. But I have noticed that I became even more emotional than before.

Also I've had almost all of the symptoms on the list.

Why is that?


Senior Member
Hello and welcome to the board.

Which list are you looking at? The best definition of ME/CFS is the Canadian Consensus Criteria. http://www.cfids-cab.org/MESA/ccpc.html

Unexplained weight gain can be due to thyroid and/or adrenal issues. Or due to meds such as anti-depressants or pain killers.

Emotional issues can also be caused by thyroid and/or adrenal problems. You will need a good naturopath to help with the adrenal problems unless you have outright Addison's or Graves disease.

Have you been to a doctor and what do they say?
Hello and welcome to the board.

Which list are you looking at? The best definition of ME/CFS is the Canadian Consensus Criteria. http://www.cfids-cab.org/MESA/ccpc.html

Unexplained weight gain can be due to thyroid and/or adrenal issues. Or due to meds such as anti-depressants or pain killers.

Emotional issues can also be caused by thyroid and/or adrenal problems. You will need a good naturopath to help with the adrenal problems unless you have outright Addison's or Graves disease.

Have you been to a doctor and what do they say?

I watched the CFS list and have had almost every symptom on the list and they occured in atleast 6 months - 1 year.

We have no doctor for CFS here in Sweden. The only one that knows CFS is a doctor in Stockholm.

I do not use any anti-depressants or painkillers. I use no medicine at all.

I have gone to the doctor and I have no thyroid and/or adrenal problems.


Senior Member
You need a complete thyroid panel to diagnose thyroid disease. Typically doctors will just test TSH and say you're fine. You need to test TSH, free T3, free T4 and thyroid antibodies. You need to ask for this specifically.

For example, my TSH looked fine, but my thyroid antibodies were very high. This means you have autoimmune thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis), which means the thyroid is attacking itself. I'm taking Armour thyroid.

Subclinical adrenal problems will only be recognized by a naturopath, not a regular doctor.

Has your doctor ruled out all other possible diseases? What do they think is wrong with you?

I suggest trying to network with others from Sweden on this board and see what doctors they recommend. I suggest starting a new thread called something like "need a good doctor in Sweden" to get their attention.
You need a complete thyroid panel to diagnose thyroid disease. Typically doctors will just test TSH and say you're fine. You need to test TSH, free T3, free T4 and thyroid antibodies. You need to ask for this specifically.

For example, my TSH looked fine, but my thyroid antibodies were very high. This means you have autoimmune thyroiditis (also called Hashimoto's thyroiditis), which means the thyroid is attacking itself. I'm taking Armour thyroid.

Subclinical adrenal problems will only be recognized by a naturopath, not a regular doctor.

Has your doctor ruled out all other possible diseases? What do they think is wrong with you?

I suggest trying to network with others from Sweden on this board and see what doctors they recommend. I suggest starting a new thread called something like "need a good doctor in Sweden" to get their attention.

Thank you very much for your reply.

I will see if my doctor can send me to a specialist ASAP. Unfortunetly the only doctor is retired but they're opening a centre in Stockholm soon.


Senior Member
Can you get to Belgium? Bauhaus

Patients from the UK are travelling to see Prof De Meirlier there.

We have few doctors with an interest in ME and CFS. The medical authorities are cracking down on them.

In Norway is

Lillestrm Helseklinikk
Odalsgata 25
2003 Lillestrm, Norway
tlf. 63818500
Can you get to Belgium? Bauhaus

Patients from the UK are travelling to see Prof De Meirlier there.

We have few doctors with an interest in ME and CFS. The medical authorities are cracking down on them.

In Norway is

Lillestrm Helseklinikk
Odalsgata 25
2003 Lillestrm, Norway
tlf. 63818500

Thinking about going to Norway or Finland when neccessary.

Need to check my thyroid first and stuff.

Thank you.
Apparently there was a problem with my thyroid. Going to a doctor on monday.

Getting a specialist endocrinedoctor for that I believe.


Senior Member
Good news Bauhaus (that they found a problem!)

Good luck with the specialist.

If you do get the roundaround, feel free to post here again. Wishing you all the best.
Good news Bauhaus (that they found a problem!)

Good luck with the specialist.

If you do get the roundaround, feel free to post here again. Wishing you all the best.

Good to hear you have something which is treatable.

Best luck with that. :)

Thank you very much.

But the doctor didn't rule out that I don't suffer from CFS also.

But she thought CFS was a psychic disorder of some kind.

We'll see if it's only the thyroid or also CFS. But it's kind of the same symptoms.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
ME/CFS is automatically ruled out if you have a medical issue which could be causing your symptoms. As their is no proper test for it right now .. its ruled out by default.

ME/CFS can go along with thyriod issues but most with thyriod issues dont have ME/CFS and find much relief with thyriod meds.
ME/CFS is automatically ruled out if you have a medical issue which could be causing your symptoms. As their is no proper test for it right now .. its ruled out by default.

ME/CFS can go along with thyriod issues but most with thyriod issues dont have ME/CFS and find much relief with thyriod meds.

Phew. Then that's a relief.

I'll begin taking low doses of Levaxine I believe.


Senior Member
Could you provide any details? Like what value did they look for? What values did your test provide? How is the ilness called?
Could help other people too.
And of course good luck with it :D
Could you provide any details? Like what value did they look for? What values did your test provide? How is the ilness called?
Could help other people too.
And of course good luck with it :D

I actually have no idea.

But if this makes you wiser they checked with a bloodsample from my arm.

She said there was trouble with my thyroid when she called and I am going there again on Monday.