@Violeta As discussed on my Twitter thread, the system suggests that LXR along with Phagocytosis, apoptotic cell clearance and possibly ABCA1 should be looked at.
Could you please provide some additional information? Quoting one of the many thing that appears in one of the many different studies and linking it to something without any pathobiological relations or understanding gives me absolutely no additional knowledge. Does LXR appears in your algorithm since you place a focus on the liver or are the conclusions far more involved? I read through your older threads
@Osaca For the record , Artificial Intelligence methods have identified many medical concepts as being important prior any work by humans.
Regarding your question : I am not a medical researcher so I cannot answer your question unfortunately. The tool identifies certain associations (see my answer to
@Violeta earlier in this post. It is the experts that need to give potential explanations and mechanisms as they have the necessary knowledge to do so.