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Experiences with Sperti or other vitamin D lamps, anyone?


Senior Member
Has anyone used a vitamin D lamp such as the Sperti lamp or similar?

What has been your experience and which brand of lamp did you use?

I feel a lot weaker in winter without regular exposure to warm summer sunshine (was not the case until the past few years).
Also, my recurrent viral type symptoms which have got much worse in recent years, such as cyclical bouts of coughing, shivering, constant flu like exhaustion as well as quite extreme joint pain (since menopause onset) and aching all over, all get worse in winter.

I am not sure if this is a vitamin D issue or more of a need for full spectrum warm sunshine (I am terrible with cold temperatures the past few years also) so unsure if a vitamin D lamp would actually help or not but I'm desperate by the middle of every winter (I'm in the south of the UK and garden gets no sun in winter months).

They are expensive even second hand on eBay but I would consider buying one if it would maybe help me with the above.

Would help me make a decision to hear other people's experiences with these lamps.

Tagging @Nord Wolf here also as I think he had issues in winter and bought vitamin D and other sun lamps if I remember correctly? Please only answer if you are up to it though!