Everyone in the U.S.A. Let's keep our supplements


Southern USA
Please do all you can so we keep our supplements. I have been writing and will call also. We all have to write and call so we will have the freedom to use the supplements that help us so much.

You can find information other places. One is below. I think I saw a post, can't find it now.
The first link is a good one. You can look at the 2nd story and click "action...." then just email.




senior member
Concord, NH
Perhaps petitions are not particulary useful, but send an email/fax/letter/phone to your congressman, I think this is more successful, especially when they get flooded! It doesn't work with all politicians, depends on the state/district. The newly elected ones, who are supposed to shake things up, for the better, will be more responsive I think.

If not, then we will vote the bums out and get people to undo their "handiwork"!!



Southern USA
Yes, I have emailrd all of my congressman and will call and write also. We can't just not have a voice. Supplements are all I have and most of us, that will help with our symtoms, keep us strong, and help us sleep and heal.

We just have to FDA to uphold the landmark legislation it passed seventeen
years ago, and to direct the FDA to revise its New Dietary Ingredient
draft guidelines to reflect DSHEA's (and Congress's) stated values and

We have to fight for it. I have not been able to sleep well and I was sleeping great WITH MY SUPPLEMENTS until this worry has really gotten to me. One of my Doctors, Dr. Dzugan emailed all of his patients and that is a LOT of people. I will do all I can. My supplements are just as important as oxygen. No other "regular" medicine can help POTS and my CFS. I have done great and I pray HARD that I will be free to continue.
I too FULLY support your actions, Sally; sometimes people DO listen. And Sally has been an inspiration to me in regard to one particular supplement, anti-oxidants , which is one of the few treatment options that has helped me. I think there ARE people out there who listen; I have an excellent GP; no, I am not lucky, I am persistent; i went through quite a lot of mediocre GPs ( and one bad) to find her- and this is in the UK. I also have an excellent (NHS) osteopath and dietician through sheer persistence; if you fight and believe in things you will get stuff back. people say some are too ill ti fight, and i sympathize and agree with that view; but I have quite recently been borderline severe m.e, almost unable to eat, and I have fought, even though ill and sometimes weak; we can't assume everyone is against us; be it institutions or individuals. Supplements have helped many many people.So, don't give up hope.Steve ("Stevenski").P.S can we please stop these rude antagonistic postings.


Southern USA
I have been calling and emailing all morning. The people were all SO NICE and said they have received many calls. I hope you will all call your senators and congressmen. It is so easy just google. They have forms and phone numbers. They do listen.


Senior Member
Hi, all.

I want to support Sally in this effort, and have written to my senators and congressman. I think there are two main forces that determine how our representatives vote. One is who contributes to their election campaigns, and there is no way we can compete with the pharmaceutical industry on that score. However, ultimately what elects our representatives is our votes. If they hear from a lot of people on an issue, they know that a great number of votes can depend on how they vote on it. The only real counter we have to the big monied interests is an informed public who cares and who lets their representatives know that they care.

Our European friends on the forums can tell us what happens when the pharmaceutical industry has its way in government policy regarding nutritional supplements. If we want to prevent what has happened in Europe from happening in the U.S., the way to do it is to make ourselves heard in Washington. Sally has provided links that make this easy, and we can be sure that the staffs of our representatives are keeping counts of how many contacts they receive on this issue as well as many others. That's probably their most important job.

So if you haven't contacted your representatives in Washington about this, I urge you to do so now.

Best regards,



Senior Member
This is the answer I got from my Senator:

Thank you for contacting me in opposition to S. 1310, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011. Like you, I believe that consumers should have access to safe and effective dietary supplements.

As you know, the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act would amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to more effectively regulate dietary supplements that may pose safety risks unknown to consumers. This bill would require dietary supplement manufacturers to register products with the Food and Drug Administration and require product labels to include warnings associated with adverse events of specific ingredients, weight of those ingredients per serving, and a batch number for easier recall. Finally, this legislation would also direct the FDA to establish a definition of conventional food to clarify the distinction between food and beverage products with additives and dietary supplements.

I believe that the FDA has a legitimate role to play in acting as an honest broker of consumer information; consumers have a right to all available, truthful information regarding products available in the marketplace. The legislation would not discourage the use or sale of supplements; it would merely help to ensure that fully-informed consumers are purchasing safe products and give the FDA the ability to remove any harmful dietary supplements from the market. It is important all Americans have access to safe dietary supplements, as is the case with any other processed food products they consume.

Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced this legislation on June 30, 2011. The bill has been referred to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions where it awaits further consideration. While I am not a member of this committee, please be assured I will monitor this bill closely as it moves through the Senate.

Again, thank you for taking the time to contact me on this important issue. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can ever be of assistance to you on this or any other matter.


Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator