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European Parliament: 04/30 vote for more funding for biomedical research on ME -- copy/paste mail for your MEPs

The Committee on Petitions at the European Parliament will vote tomorrow 04/30 on a draft motion for a resolution for additional funding for biomedical research on ME.

This motion is the result of Evelien van den Brink's petition. To make sure it is adopted tomorrow, please contact the MEPs of your country now who sit on the PETI committee -- list of MEPs here -- with a simple mail stating that you want them to support it.

I have written a letter below that you can copy/paste, just replace the parts in brackets. Google Translate or DeepL should be able to translate it decently. Please remove the part about the prevalence of ME in your country if it's a hassle to calculate.

Dear M./Ms [MEP Name],

As a patient who has suffered from myalgic encephalomyelitis for [XX] years, I would like you to support the draft motion for a resolution on additional funding for biomedical research on Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (2020/2580(RSP)) which will be voted by the PETI committee on Thursday 30 April.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis is a debilitating neurological disease that affects more than 2.2 million Europeans [, of which 0.005 * YourCountryPopulationInMillions million YourCountryInhabitantName]. The permanent disability that it causes leads to economic losses in the tens of billions of euros every year at the European scale, and it isolates patients from society, many of whom are housebound or bedbound.

Though recognized by WHO since 1969, there is currently no medical treatment for myalgic encephalomyelitis and its biological root is yet to be determined. Often unknown in the medical and scientific fields due to an absence of education and funding, its diagnosis, appropriate medical care for patients and the progress of biomedical research are severely lacking in the European Union.

The draft motion for a resolution follows a successful petition which has been signed by over 13000 Europeans, making it one of the most supported petitions to date. For patients and their carers, this resolution is the only hope for biomedical treatments; it provides the EU an opportunity to shine by helping them through its leadership in biomedical research.

I know that I can count on your sensitivity to these issues to vote in favor of the draft motion 2020/2580(RSP).

[FirstName LastName]