Esther Rantzen's daughter had Celiac all along


Senior Member
Hi ukxmrv, Nice can write what ever they want in their guidelines, but until they start prosecuting doctors for not following them then nothing is ever going to change! these guidelines like the ones by the CDC are very flawed, Two articles that show this are, chronic fatigue syndrome NICE and CDC miss the boat and The myth of chronic fatigue syndrome by Dr Shirwan A Mirza found here and here I wish his recomendations would be followed and then so many people wouldn't be being misdiagnosed!

All the best


Senior Member
Hi xchocoholic, have to agree with Snow Leopard it's because their useless and a bit thick, didn't you know MD stands for mentally defective Ha

All the best


Senior Member
Hi Wayne, hmmm so half their knowledge is out of date and nobody knows which half, that would explain a lot, like why they just make things up when they don't know what's going on. Maybe we should set up a charity that raises money that can be used to teach doctors how to use the internet! Then they would know how to look up the up to date information and stop telling us gibberish.

All the best


Senior Member
LOL ... you all are the best !!! It really helps to have a board like this where we can discuss how we're getting screwed ... tc ... x


Senior Member
England (south coast)
I find it so hard to believe that in 14 years of being diagnosed with ME they did not think to test for Celiac.

Even with the little amount of support I get from the NHS, I was at least tested for both HIV & Celiac's disease within 6 months of the glandular fever which led to my ME diagnosis.

This woman has had access to the best health services that money can buy and she didn't get tested :eek:

Are you really surprised that she wasn't tested for Coeliac disease?
This is the UK we are talking about!
I've never been tested for it in my life, even though I've told them that I've got gluten intolerance.

Whenever I've been to the doctor, at any time in my life, about something that isn't obvious, they just look at me blankly and say "there's not a lot I can do about that".
They did it with depression in my teenage years, ME 7 years ago, and thyroid disease 3 years ago.
They did actually do a blood test for my thyroid function, but they somehow managed to ignore the readings when they came back, so i was ill for a further year with an underactive thyroid, until i diagnosed it for myself, just as I diagnosed the ME and the depression for myself.

I'm not in the slightest bit surprised that they never discovered her Coeliac disease!


It's no different in the U.S. My aunt had celiac sprue as a child and was told she grew out of it. I can't even list the # of health problems she had, and died young. I showed signs of celiac at age 9, and had major problems for decades. Nobody ever tested me for it. I self diagnosed, went off all gluten, and cleared up numerous serious problems. However I suspect by that time, my gut flora and lining were fairly well disrupted.

I know numerous people who suffered horribly and were never diagnosed with celiac until much later or self-diagnosed. I'm not talking about gluten intolerance but classic celiac.

Are you really surprised that she wasn't tested for Coeliac disease?
This is the UK we are talking about!
I've never been tested for it in my life, even though I've told them that I've got gluten intolerance.

Whenever I've been to the doctor, at any time in my life, about something that isn't obvious, they just look at me blankly and say "there's not a lot I can do about that".
They did it with depression in my teenage years, ME 7 years ago, and thyroid disease 3 years ago.
They did actually do a blood test for my thyroid function, but chose to ignore the readings when they came back, so i was ill for a further year with an underactive thyroid, until i diagnosed it for myself, just as I diagnosed the ME and the depression for myself.

I'm not in the slightest bit surprised that they never discovered her Coeliac disease!


Senior Member
Jen, As an ME 11 yearer I tested for Coeliac when all this came up. And no problem - seems to be a may or may not.