Ergonomics and ME/CFS: Have You Hurt Yourself Without Knowing It?

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Ergonomics and ME/CFS: Have You Hurt Yourself Without Knowing It?

Having a chronic illness like ME/CFS can make it hard to avoid problems that come from bad ergonomics. Jody Smith has learned some lessons the hard way ...

Ergonomics can help people to navigate in a healthy way through their world, so they are not slouching, bent funny or stuck in the same position for too long, and so they can avoid the aches, pains and problems that result from same.

Ergonomics and ME/CFS may seem like strange bedfellows. And in fact, actual ME/CFS bedfellows, those who must live all day long in their beds, may not find anything useful here. As with so many things, those who are bedridden do not fit the mould.

ME/CFS is a dictator that forces many of us to lie down, slouch in a recliner or lean on a grocery cart. On the face of it, ergonomics may seem like just another way for us to be mocked and reminded that our bodies don't work right.

Reminders to sit up straight and keep your feet flat on the floor can be enough to set off a revolt amongst people who are bedridden and who couldn't sit up straight to save their soul.

And if instead of a desk you use your bed for your computer, all that information about how high your monitor shoud be, and where your keyboard needs to go, reads like something written for a foreign country, or by someone who is foreign to our limitations.

It can seem like just one more set of rules that are supposedly meant to help us but in reality just give us a rude reminder that we can't do the things that would make our lives so much more worth living.

But hang on. For those of us who can sit up, who can stand, and move about, maybe there's something valuable here. That has been my own experience.

For years I spent hours at a time with my torso roughly curved in the shape of the letter C. I would lie on my bed, with a couple of pillows propping me up, and my knees raised to support the book I was reading. Sometimes I'd vary the menu by watching TV, but the basic position was still the same.

I was pretty sure I was going to be permanently bent forward, but I didn't see any way around this. There just was no other position that I could stay in for very long. Lying on my side was good for sleep but not for being awake and trying to read or watch TV. So if it was going to make me crooked, so be it. I was getting through my days as best I could.

Eventually I was able to be up and around, sitting at a desk writing and editing online for hours each day. I was very happy to be doing this but my shoulders, back and arms were not happy in the least.

As I learned later, my setup was an ergonomic disaster. The desktop was the wrong height. My laptop monitor was too low and my keyboard was too high. I had knots in my shoulders and tendinitis in my shoulders, arms and hands on an ongoing basis.

My monthly naturopathic visits would take the edge off so I could continue to work but the pain and inflammation levels were hard to deal with.

I tried moving to an easy chair in the living room with a TV table as my desktop. This was a big mistake, but one I didn't recognize for many months. The seat of the chair was too low, so my legs were not positioned properly and my ankles were always turned. My arm muscles complained constantly about being extended for hours every day as I typed.

I was crippled for the first four months of 2012, able only to move the fingers of both hands. My arms, shoulders and neck were locked in an ergonomic nightmare of my own making. I still had to work, so I learned how to type with just one hand which got the work done but it was a real drag.

I came to realize that if I wanted to be able to function I was going to have to do some research and find out what needed to be changed, and then change it. Fortunately I was well enough, and had enough money at that time to be able to do so.

The first thing I learned was that I needed to get a remote keyboard to use with my laptop. Sitting as I had been with arms stretched out the way they were was an invitation to trouble. So we got a remote keyboard. And a lap desk to put it on.

Now, a caution about these things.

Mine rested on my lap, and had little bean bag pads to cushion the weight on my knees but I am like the princess in the fairy tale who tossed and turned all night due to one small pea having been placed under a pile of mattresses. I am very delicate. Yes, I am a big and strapping Amazon ... but a delicate one. I bruise and break easily.

That lap desk really messed me up. After a few months I finally realized it wasn't working for me. My knees were deteriorating -- right where the little pads rested on them for hours each day. I told myself it must be alright, this was supposed to be protecting my body ... but it wasn't.

I finally replaced it with a clipboard, turned upside down on my lap, for my keyboard to rest on. It's there right now while I'm typing. There's room for my mouse beside the keyboard and it does the job without turning my knees to pulp.

I was still pretty gimpy and fragile, so we continued to research. We found a low price computer desk, on sale for $40, which would fit in our living room, and which had a drawer for the keyboard. Everything was at about the right height for me.

Unfortunately this ME/CFS-beaten body doesn't handle change well, even good change. I had to get used to the new desk gradually if I didn't want to end up crippled yet again.

So the first day I carried my laptop over to my new desk and worked there for 10 or 20 minutes. Then back to my more familiar setup for the rest of the day. Over a period of a week I was able to make the transition without too much trouble. Now I will sometimes work at my desk and sometimes in my easy chair, next to my husband.

I have learned that while ergonomics was less than useless for me when I was trapped in my bed, as I have been able to venture out further into the world I find that some of it actually has some bearing on me. Some of it has even done me some good.

Have you had your own run-ins with ergonomics? What was your experience?

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Ergonomics and preventing repetitive strain were important when I worked on the computer a lot as a graphic designer. They're even more important now. Somehow ME/CFS makes things worse.

Besides having things set up right, I've learned a couple of quick stretches that help maintain things. It's pretty hard to describe the arm/wrist stretches in words, but it basically entails stretching them the opposite way you usually have them.

The other is to do the yoga move called the Cobra to stretch that C shape out the other way. I do it a couple times a week (laying on the comfy bed, not the floor), otherwise I start getting lower back pain. I used to have to go to the chiro all the time, now doing the Cobra is all I need. It's saved me a bunch of money not to mention time and energy.
I have problems sitting at a computer in the typing position. A lot of it i suspect is from a dislocated hip back in 1989. Got two screws in the socket which was fractured and the ball had a fracture also on the non weight bearing part. So nothing had to be done with it. My left leg will sometimes get numb & fall asleep. The left check just hurts. And the wired thing is if I sit too long like this my hop will hurt when I walk on it. Feels like a bone on bone type pain but only after I sit too long. Low back problems too. From sitting or standing too long. Fortunately I got a tablet so this allows me to brake up my computer time between the laptop and the tablet. Just a small amount of time 10% is spent in the conventional desktop position. Some is spent on my knees at the desk (small table by bed) with the laptop. Some is spent with the laptop in my lap on the bed with a pile of blankets and pillows wadded up against the wall so I can sit that way for a while. When my back gets sore enough I lay the wad of blankets and pillows in the middle of my bed and lay on my stomach to try to undo all the compression from all the sitting. Laying that way is great but time consuming if you want any measurable decompression you need to apply traction to you back. I do this by wearing a robust belt loos enough that I can fit my hands partially insid my pants sorta on the front top part of my pelvis. I push down against my pelvis while at the same time trying to rotate the top part of it up. The belt holds my hands firmly against my hips giving me all the traction I need to put forty or fifty pounds of downward force on my hips. When my back hurts bad, the disks are compressed and I will here and feel a pop or two. I can't even begin to describe the amount of relieve this gives me. I would probably need pain killers if I didn't do this. The reason I arch the back by piling the blankets in the bed and laying on my stomach on top of them is the disk will almost slip back unto the uncompressed state by themselves. They tend to hang otherwise. That's also the reason I try to rotate the hips as I apply the downward force. I also do two isometric exercises that pull down on the disks in a way that eeseem to relive pressure. One lay on either side bring your knee up to your chest hold it with your hands and try to straighten it out. The other is to do the same but hold the ball of your foot and try to rotate your ankle. I had some really bad repetitive motion issues with mice and switched to a Logitech m570 trackball and love it. Dont use mice for anything anymore. It's great for in bed also cause you don't need a surface in order to opperate it. Also had some serious rotator cuf issues that were so bad if I were to pick up a lite object and hold it out away from my body the shoulder would pop and there would be mild sharp like pain. This all went away and I'm not sure if it's due solely to the trackball or in some part also to my switching to distiller warter. Been doing this for over two years now I guess and it seemed to help a lot. Water here in S. Central newmexico is very rich in calcium and probably some other minerals. I think it was poisoning me. I now sometimes drink gator aid just to make sure I am getting enough electrolytes.
I have a stand-up desk but I found I can't stand very long. Walking is OK, but standing in one place is murder on my hips and knees.

So I tried an experiment. I built a simple frame out of 2x2's that goes over my recliner and holds my 24" monitor above the recliner, facing down. I can lie down on the recliner and look up at the monitor. Then I used an old split keyboard I had, mounting each half of the keyboard on each armrest. I used a mouse but a touchpad would be even better.

It looks like a Rube Goldberg setup but it really works very well.

The recliner supports my entire body, making it very low-stress on all joints. One of those fancy "zero-gravity" chairs would be even better but the recliner works.
Having the monitor directly over my face means I can look directly up at it, while I'm lying on my back, without any contortions.
The split keyboard means I can have my arms and hands in a relaxed position at my sides. I mounted each half-keyboard at an angle, with the keys nearly vertical, so I didn't have to rotate or pronate my hands at all.

Unfortunately I'm 6'4" and the recliner isn't comfortable for me to lie in for long periods. But if you have a good chair that supports you comfortably -- or possibly a bed -- this might be a great solution.
I have a stand-up desk but I found I can't stand very long. Walking is OK, but standing in one place is murder on my hips and knees.

So I tried an experiment. I built a simple frame out of 2x2's that goes over my recliner and holds my 24" monitor above the recliner, facing down. I can lie down on the recliner and look up at the monitor. Then I used an old split keyboard I had, mounting each half of the keyboard on each armrest. I used a mouse but a touchpad would be even better.

It looks like a Rube Goldberg setup but it really works very well.

The recliner supports my entire body, making it very low-stress on all joints. One of those fancy "zero-gravity" chairs would be even better but the recliner works.
Having the monitor directly over my face means I can look directly up at it, while I'm lying on my back, without any contortions.
The split keyboard means I can have my arms and hands in a relaxed position at my sides. I mounted each half-keyboard at an angle, with the keys nearly vertical, so I didn't have to rotate or pronate my hands at all.

Unfortunately I'm 6'4" and the recliner isn't comfortable for me to lie in for long periods. But if you have a good chair that supports you comfortably -- or possibly a bed -- this might be a great solution.

Sounds kind of like the ergonomic chair/desk set ups I usually see online.
