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Enterovirus antibody neutralization test in Europe


I've been trying to get the coxsackievirus and echovirus antibody neutralization tests done for some time now with no luck. If anyone has any knowledge of how to get these tests done in Europe now, I'd really appreciate it! I am based in the UK but happy to travel. Also open to FedExing samples to the US if that's something anyone has tried.

Here's what I've tried so far, per the (wonderful!) ME/CFS road map.

  • Frankfurt University Hospital, Germany - the university was hit with a cyberattack last year so most of the links and forms no longer work. I have only managed to speak to someone who works in the invoicing department at the hospital, who didn't speak much English. Has anyone managed to get the test done here?
  • University Hospital Erlangen, Germany - they said they no longer offer the coxsackievirus test
  • Torlak Institute of Virology, Serbia - currently trying to get them to accept a sample if I can FedEx it - will update here if successful
  • Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece - no response yet
If anyone has any ideas of how to move forward, I would really appreciate it! Thank you


Frankfurt University Hospital, Germany - the university was hit with a cyberattack last year so most of the links and forms no longer work. I have only managed to speak to someone who works in the invoicing department at the hospital, who didn't speak much English. Has anyone managed to get the test done here?
I've tested via them, see this post.
I have done the testing in Frankfurt in 2021. i would like to check my titers but couldnt find a link that works. Is it just their website not working or is their Service no longer avaiable? I might call them next week
I've tested via them, see this post.
Thanks so much, so just to confirm
  • One 5ml sample is needed for each test
  • The samples need to be centrifuged
  • You send the sample directly to the virology department at the hospital with the form enclosed
And is this form the correct one? I can only find it on WayBack machine.

Thank you!


  • Einsendeschein_grau.pdf
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I have done the testing in Frankfurt in 2021. i would like to check my titers but couldnt find a link that works. Is it just their website not working or is their Service no longer avaiable? I might call them next week
This is the contact info on the website:

Secretariat Prof. Ciesek:
Tel. 069 6301-5219
Fax 069 6301-6477
Email Virologie@ukffm.de

Operating hours:
Mon + Wed 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m

Please do let me know if you get any more info


Thanks so much, so just to confirm
  • One 5ml sample is needed for each test
  • The samples need to be centrifuged
  • You send the sample directly to the virology department at the hospital with the form enclosed
And is this form the correct one? I can only find it on WayBack machine.

Thank you!
I found an old e-mail from them stating that 1 ml serum is enough. I don't know if they meant 1 ml serum per panel or 1 ml serum in total.

A blood sample is drawn into a serum separation tube, which is then centrifuged, from which the serum is pipetted into a transport tube without additives.

On my computer I found the form I used, which seems to be a slightly newer version than the one on the Wayback Machine. I've attached it to this post.

I filled it out like this (you'll have to translate and double-check):

I put my e-mail address at the bottom even though it says telephone, and I got the results via e-mail.

I sent it to the postal address listed at the top left of the form.

I don't know if the cyberattack have affected their ability to send e-mail results, but I guess they will fall back to regular post if they have issues.

I included my country in the address fields, but if I remember correctly the invoice letter I received missed the country name anyway. However, I wrote the postal code with the country prefix as a backup. Since you're in the UK I think it is GB-XXX XXX. That way the postal service knows what the destination country is even if they have omitted the country line. They could probably figure it out without the prefix also, but it might delay it.


  • KF-107_07_2022.pdf
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Senior Member
University Hospital Erlangen, Germany - they said they no longer offer the coxsackievirus test

Thanks for this info, I will remove it from the roadmap.

The samples need to be centrifuged

For antibody testing, labs need the blood serum, rather than the whole blood. The serum is the pale yellow liquid obtained by centrifuging whole blood to remove the blood cells.

If you tell them you need serum, a phlebotomy lab which draws your blood will centrifuge there and then (takes about 20 or 30 minutes to centrifuge), and hand you a test tube of your serum, which you can then courier to the lab for antibody testing.
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Update: Despite my best efforts, the samples ended up stranded in German customs and eventually would have spoiled, so I asked for them to be destroyed. Outside of the customs union (I'm in the UK), it may be too difficult to send them over.


Update: Despite my best efforts, the samples ended up stranded in German customs and eventually would have spoiled, so I asked for them to be destroyed. Outside of the customs union (I'm in the UK), it may be too difficult to send them over.
I'm sorry to hear that. Did they tell you why they held the package? What shipping company did you use and how did the customs declaration look?
Hey sorry for the delay! They said they needed more info from the recipient and I couldn't get hold of the lab. One weird thing was that the carrier I used -DHL- wouldn't let me put exempt human specimen on the box. So perhaps if I'd had that it would be OK. I used a free online website to do the customs declaration but can't seem to find it now.

I did end up going in person to Frankfurt and dropping a sample off myself, which they say they have received. It should take about 2 weeks. The website is up again after the cyberattack and is much easier to use.

I called and spoke to someone on +49 69 6301 5219 to confirm receipt of the sample and the person spoke very good English, if that helps anyone.