Somethings to remember with vaccines:
1) They are produced by Pharmaceutical I have to post every ratbag evil thing they have done? Every week a new scandal emerges about those vermin, and they are vermin, for they've caused vast numbers of deaths for profit, and got away with it.
See the amount of faked, squelched or "lost" safety studies, selling "off label", gross screw ups in testing triggering disease outbreaks and so on.
If it was ANY other class of pharma product, no one would trust them at all, but because folk have given them to their chidlren many don't want ot hear it..."implied guilt" is a wonderfully evil marketting tool!
ie, last thing a parent ever wants to imagine is that THEY caused their own child to be harmed...pharma corps know this, makes many folk less iwlling to accept vaccines can cause harm...great sales psychology, and yes they are capable of being that deviously evil.
And of course, inflamming parents' safety fears "
Buy this and SAVE YOUR CHILD!" is huge part of their marketting strategy
2) SV40 virus, so we know, for sure, at least one virus got into the Human population from vaccines.
Personally I'm betting HIV started thw same way, because they stored primates of many different species/Old and New World, for lab testing were confined together...which is crazy stupid for cross-infections.
And when things are done for profit...obviosu issues arise, don't they?
And when they are done on a vast scale you also get problems because Murphy's Law is not just a joke (ie it's inevitable that some batches will get screwed up somehow when we're talking of such enormous production numbers)
3) Pharma Corps are greedy ratbags. They see vaccines as "bargain basement medicine". hence, they never bothered to work only new, safer preservatives, still basically only have three from the 1930/40s, iirc, and they knew Thimersoal was dangerous and didn't care, and no one bothered to question the safety of multiple innoculations with it which is fundamental practical science, ie, the pharma corps and regulators are *morons* or, criminally negligent.
Then they switched to aluminium preservatives...oh great, another neurotoxin, jeesh
4) They are pushing more and more vaccines, for profit not need, iirc, recent one for childhood pneumonia??, risks from the vaccine vs the disease are about the same according to some, because the disease is incredibly rare.
5) Hubris, damn stupid Human hubris. "For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction"..wel ok it' s nto physics
But there are consequences...if you remove one pathogen, you may well have a new one move in to fill it's niche.
And frankly, we Homo Sapiens don't know jack squat. Every time we bleet "this is the wonder product/idea/tech/drug!"...30 years later, we find it was a bloody nightmare because we didn't know so much as we thought we did.
6) One of the biggest real risks to kids' health is schools...we've been cutting down the number of schools, and making them bigger: more and more kids crammed together who's growing/weak immune systems are a paradise for pathogens...wonderfully stupid idea that is, blech
Added in with fast air travel, and without modern public health systems, we'd be in a hell of a state from infections.
7) Vaccines trigger strong immune responses, so they CANNOT be "safe", it's merely a question of risk vs benefit. Every time you have a vaccination, there's a tiny risk of serious harm, even death, usually (or
should be) it's 100 or 1000 times less risk than the disease, but when you ge tup to total of 36 and growing number of vaccines the "Russian Roulette" numbers of risk vs benefit drop in non-linear fashion (ie vaccines need spread out more, at least, and age vs risk from pathogen and vaccine needs calculated by honest, independant experts, as too many regulators have links ot the pharma corps or hold patents etc)
Versus Smallpox, sure, huge benefit, as that was an incredibly virulent, deadly viral pandemic with no non-Human reservoirs.
Versus other needs more honest careful appraisal.
Vaccines, and all research, should be removed entirely from the pharma corps' grasp. Most research is done by universities as it is anyway they do it for sheer love of the research itself, "blind" funding should be used, purely non-profit, ban all regulators/government using those with links to the pharma corps.
Hell personally I want private industry the hell OUT of medicine. Patients are *NOT* "customers", massive world of difference between chosing what DVD to buy form Amazon, and getting drugs to relieve pain or keep you alive.
basically to the corporations, pharmaceuticals are "extortion with menaces": they have customers who cannot refuse to pay whatever they ask because they will suffer and die if they don't.
Again, anyone who trusts the "status quo" as it is portrayed by government and the pharma corps...go see the tobacco companies and what they did and caused.
I wouldn't trust Big Business further than a I can pee upwind in a hurricane!
Vaccines should be treated like any extremely potent and dangerous drug, because they contain non-Human genetic material. Yes they are potentially incredibly useful..and potentially catastrophically dangerous way beyond what a poison is capable of, because poisons are not transmissable.