Thanks for all the thanks
The email wasn't to me it was to all of us and yes i was taken aback too, what a special lady she is, what passion and determination. I forgot to ask her if she was married lol
Hello Judy, I am from England
I have to tell you I cried for hours when they released their findings ( imperial college ); it was splashed all over the tabloids here :-
' British scientists say that ME virus is a myth' . That resonated far wider than many could possible imagine; devastating.
However, I would like to take you back to the original announcement on 8th October in which you alluded to other tests being carried out ( in England ? ) in which you said 'the same percentages are holding up' Can you please elaborate ?
I really can't take much more. I have been ill since leaving university in 1995. I get knocked down, but get back up again, time and time again, but no more. I can only take so much; in fact i'm surprised i am still alive. Some patients with M.E have been sectioned as mentally ill over here, it really is terrible. I am not even hoping for a treatment, just a validation, that XMRV might indeed provide.
How sad, that we are reduced to wishing for a serious retrovirus. Desperation and desire ?!
My second and final question :- Where do you anticipate we'll be in six months time ? I would settle for a paradigm shift that marginalises the psychiatrists once and for all
I want to say a big thank you to you for all your efforts, irrespective of what transpires in the future. You seem to be such a genuine, kind and determined lady that if anyone finds the answers i really hope it is yourself.
Love, Mark