Email from Dr Mikovits


Every so often a special person comes along in life who stands out from the crowd and is determined to make a difference matter how many times they are shot at! Judy is one very special lady and we are so lucky to have her..we need to keep up the momentum to help and support her :Retro smile:


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I knew there was something special about that lady the first time I saw her. Thanks for sharing Mark.


Senior Member
Thanks, Mark for sharing this. I feel hope like I have never felt before!!! We are blessed to have a woman like Judy behind us..


Senior Member
Bay Area, California
Dr. Judy! Dr. Judy! Dr. Judy! :victory::victory::victory: :victory::victory::victory:

We are so lucky to have Dr. Judy on our side! There's finally hope for all of us. :Retro smile: I couldn't be happier with her conviction and confidence.



Patient in training
Mark thanks for sharing! I am also a bit curious about what you wrote that make her well up... if you don't mind sharing that part.

I am also wondering if sending encouragement messages- not necessarily in her mailbox- but maybe ask WPI to make a new e-mail address for messages from all of us supporting her efforts and thanking her could be appreciated?
I am sure she knows the community is backing her up, but I am not sure she knows to what point.


Senior Member
Brighton, United Kingdom
I read this with a tear in my eye..I'm so glad that she isn't letting the evil Imperial College study and the UK Psychiatric profession put her off...she is OUR voice and the one who is going to bring us all out of the dark - god bless you Judy xx


Wow, Judy Mikovitz is a real inspiration. When I am better, when I'm all done doing cartwheels and dancing my @$$ off, I vow to be just as determined to make this world a better place. Her vigilance and compassion make up for all the ridiculous rejections and stigmatization of this illness. Bless her.

Thanks for sharing this Mark. :thumbsup::thumbsup:


I felt inspired, so...

... I decided to make this. I hope she won't be too offended...

Click to see large image:
judy mikovits wonder woman.jpg

Rachel xx


Plays With Voodoo Dollies
...sunshine on a cloudy day!!!

What a wonderful woman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for posting, Mark!


Senior Member
Thanks for all the thanks :)
The email wasn't to me it was to all of us and yes i was taken aback too, what a special lady she is, what passion and determination. I forgot to ask her if she was married lol

Hello Judy, I am from England

I have to tell you I cried for hours when they released their findings ( imperial college ); it was splashed all over the tabloids here :-

' British scientists say that ME virus is a myth' . That resonated far wider than many could possible imagine; devastating.
However, I would like to take you back to the original announcement on 8th October in which you alluded to other tests being carried out ( in England ? ) in which you said 'the same percentages are holding up' Can you please elaborate ?

I really can't take much more. I have been ill since leaving university in 1995. I get knocked down, but get back up again, time and time again, but no more. I can only take so much; in fact i'm surprised i am still alive. Some patients with M.E have been sectioned as mentally ill over here, it really is terrible. I am not even hoping for a treatment, just a validation, that XMRV might indeed provide.

How sad, that we are reduced to wishing for a serious retrovirus. Desperation and desire ?!

My second and final question :- Where do you anticipate we'll be in six months time ? I would settle for a paradigm shift that marginalises the psychiatrists once and for all :)

I want to say a big thank you to you for all your efforts, irrespective of what transpires in the future. You seem to be such a genuine, kind and determined lady that if anyone finds the answers i really hope it is yourself.

Love, Mark


Patient in training
Mark thank you for sharing this with us. Then Dr Judy's answer makes lots of sense. I hope you take on to her offer to get tested. And I hope you put the results in Wessley's face.


Senior Member
Wow, Judy Mikovitz is a real inspiration. When I am better, when I'm all done doing cartwheels and dancing my @$$ off, I vow to be just as determined to make this world a better place.

I feel the same way. I wonder if most of us do.


Watchoo lookin' at?
And isn't it wonderful to have a researcher who cares so much for patients. Many researchers become researchers because they don't like to deal with patients. We have a great researchers, years of prominent / respected work, who likes patients. Not to mention, she is a bull dog.


Funny, since the IC study row, in my head I have been calling her Judy "The Bulldog" Mikovits.

Mark, I have a kind of a stupid question for you. I know there are no stupid questions, but this one may change that rule.
I got an email from Judy last week and she mentioned sending my information as well. I took it to mean my mailing address and phone number. I sent that to her via email. Is that what you are doing, or do you think she means insurance info etc. And would you send it to her, or to the institute via snail mail?

I just don't want to keep emailing her stupid questions when we need her in the lab, and in the dogfighting ring.


Senior Member
Funny, since the IC study row, in my head I have been calling her Judy "The Bulldog" Mikovits.

Mark, I have a kind of a stupid question for you. I know there are no stupid questions, but this one may change that rule.
I got an email from Judy last week and she mentioned sending my information as well. I took it to mean my mailing address and phone number. I sent that to her via email. Is that what you are doing, or do you think she means insurance info etc. And would you send it to her, or to the institute via snail mail?

I just don't want to keep emailing her stupid questions when we need her in the lab, and in the dogfighting ring.

Hello Julius, to be honest I really don't know at this point. It's like putting every last penny on one last throw of the dice. I have no where else to go Julius and taking the test will be one of the biggest decisions of my life. I am sure if you email her and ask for clarification she will oblige. If I am honest, I am scared. I have no particular desire to live like this but the thought of dying before I do all the things I wanted to do, doesn't exactly appeal to me either.

Kind regards, Mark


Thanks for all the thanks :)
The email wasn't to me it was to all of us and yes i was taken aback too, what a special lady she is, what passion and determination. I forgot to ask her if she was married lol

Lol, I hate to break it to you, Mark, but she mentioned her husband a couple of times in the Jan 22 talk.:D;)

Thanks again for sharing more information and asking the questions you did. In the talk on the 22nd, she said that until 2006 she knew nothing at all about CFS. I'm sure she's gotten quite an education in the last 3 years, but I suspect she doesn't know the WHOLE of it - how much everyone has suffered. Possibly she was yet unaware of what happens in the UK. Or maybe she did know and that's why she responded so adamantly to the IC results.:victory:


Watchoo lookin' at?
Hey mark,

I know what you mean (I think). But, if you have it, you have it. Getting tested positive won't change that. If it's trying to kill you, it's job will be that much easier if you don't know it's there. If you test + then you have a much better chance of beating it.

If your scared of testing -, then I feel ya. I would be gutted to test negative. But don't forget about the Light studies. And there's the Virachip work as well. XMRV or not, I feel like we will have a biomarker in the next year or two. So it doesn't have to be the end of the road.


Senior Member
Thanks Lily and Julius

The next six months could change so many lives. There are so many battles at play, from the scientists themselves to the lay people in the street. Somewhere within that vortex of confusion resides our hopes and dreams.
Feeding the fate and starving the doubt, it's a never ending battle in a never ending war.
My sense of anger and injustice can be found in a heightened state in direct correlation to the depths of my suffering. My tears fall so freely, but not just for me because in some respect part of me has already died; but for those that cling to life whilst some cling to disbelief. I cannot turn my back on this crime; this crime that doesn't even have a name. They say that what doesn't kill you will make you stronger. If i pull through I will never stop chasing those that kicked us whilst we were down, that silenced us when we got up, that tripped us when we ran

Take care, Mark