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Electrode Implants in Back -Does Anybody Have Them? What has been your experience?

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I have no idea what category this subject would go under. Sorry if it is posted in the wrong place.

After several years of having CFS and FMS, my husband's bladder has become paralyzed (although no one is sure what caused the problem). The urologist ran some tests that found it is a nerve paralysis problem. He wants to do surgery and run electrodes from his back to his bladder. This is a very serious surgery and I think we need to find out much more about it before he makes a decision.

I am having a really hard time trusting this doctor. You would think he would suggest sending my husband to a neurologist or check for viruses that could have caused the problem. He hasn't suggested either. Wouldn't this be the next logical step?

Has anyone else ever experienced some type of nerve paralysis and had electrodes implanted in their back? If so, can you let me know what your experience has been? Please and thank you.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
No I don't have them. How does your husband feel about this? Is your gut usually a good indicator.

Might want to try the ACAM website for another Dr? I know you are probably pretty limited in Wyoming.



He doesn't feel good about this either. But he has had the same experiences with doctors that most of us have had. My gut feeling is that something is wrong. It is usually when I don't pay attention to this that something negative happens. So I guess my intuition is good. I feel like he needs to see a neurologist to see if the problem isn't bigger than his bladder. We share one doctor so I think I am going to go in and ask for a referral for him (My husband does the guy thing and likes to act as if nothing. Maybe that is a woman thing to?)

I think something else is going on with both of us that they missed. My nerve twitching has now moved up to my face, which is concerning. I have also had bad back pain lately running up my spine. I just wish I could find the right doctor who would take notice.