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EBV Ab VCA, IgG >8 What to do?

Hi. I just got my test results back and my EBV count was EBV Ab VCA, IgG >8 while I had nothing listed under EBV Ab VCA, IgM. My doctor said my EBV Ab VCA, IgG was high. Normal range is <.80. So my question is what will my high EBV IgG titer do to my health. Does it mean that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Any help is much appreciated.
My doctor said that I have CFS because EBV IgG is above normal and I also had mono early last year. I felt like he didn't really have any expertise in this so I thought maybe I was misdiagnosed.
I read that Valtrex can lower my EBV count. Is this true? Do you guys know if I need to take this for someone in my case? Thanks!
If you ever had mono your IgG for EBV will remain high indefinitely.

(I also remember seeing this in a research study)

I had the viral panel done by the Stanford CFS clinic and had an EBV VCA IgG of 7.17. One of the esteemed doctors there believes this can be a cause of CFS (There is 0 research to support this) and was convinced this was the reason why I was sick. They started me on valcyte and it did nothing for me (There is no research I know of that shows the effectiveness of anti-virals on EBV).

FWIW, a month later I had blood work done by Igenex and found out I had 4 lyme co-infections, and what also looks like a lyme infection based on my C4a and NK CD57 results. I've seen improvements since I started abx treatment.

Here is a link to the interpretation of the EBV VCA panels

If you ever had mono your IgG for EBV will remain high indefinitely.

(I also remember seeing this in a research study)

I had the viral panel done by the Stanford CFS clinic and had an EBV VCA IgG of 7.17. One of the esteemed doctors there believes this can be a cause of CFS (There is 0 research to support this) and was convinced this was the reason why I was sick. They started me on valcyte and it did nothing for me (There is no research I know of that shows the effectiveness of anti-virals on EBV).

FWIW, a month later I had blood work done by Igenex and found out I had 4 lyme co-infections, and what also looks like a lyme infection based on my C4a and NK CD57 results. I've seen improvements since I started abx treatment.

Here is a link to the interpretation of the EBV VCA panels

Thanks for your reply. Just a question. Did the valcyte ever bring down you EBV VCA IgG levels down? Also my doctor told me that I had an infection in my urine. Do you think it could be lyme? Thanks.
What my concern is is that my EBV VCA IgG levels are high (above 8). I don't know what this means. I only know normal is >.80.


Senior Member
@mason1991 What are your current symptoms? If you look at the ME/CFS criteria under the CCC or ICC guidelines, you can check if they match. Also, as others have mentioned, if you had mono from EBV, you will always have IgG titers. In my case, I had a re-activation of EBV b/c I also had high titers on IgM, early antigen and all the EBV tests (which should be negative since I had mono in 2012.)

ME/CFS can be caused by a number of pathogens and different sources and you should read the roadmap created by @Hip to see all of them. EBV is one of them and in my case, I am treating it with Famvir but everyone is different. From my understanding, Valcyte is more for CMV and HHV-6 which I am negative for although I am positive IgM for VZV (which can also respond to Famvir.)


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
Bottom line is we really don't know it's an issue until you try and treat it.

As mentioned above one may not see any response from antivirals if they have bacterial Co infections, this is what Dr Lerner has found with his work and they can be much harder to treat.

other immune tests can give us an indication that some type of infection is going on or likely to be going on?
Is your EBV EA elevated? That is the typical indicator of re-activation IIRC.
No. My doctor told me that my EBV is not active.

@Gingergrrl my symptoms include weakness, memory loss, forgetfulness, fatigue and all the symptoms that are included in CFS patients. For example, I could not get out of bed today except to cook food for myself. However, I had these symptoms long before I got mono. I thought maybe I got worse because of mono because at least back then I could get myself to wake up on time and go to my classes.


Senior Member
Washington , DC area
Can you ask your doctor for a test for evb early antigen? This will give an indication whether the disease is active or your result is just leftover antibodies from a previous infection. If you are positive for early antigen that indicates a current infection. If you do have ebv, there are many antivirals that are shown to be effective is in treating, without having to go to an expensive one like valtrex or valcyte. Acyclovir or famvir, for instance. Wondering if you have been tested for other viruses in the same family as ebv. I think some people, like me, have a high suceptibility to all the herpes viruses. You may want to get tested for hhv6 and cmv as well.


iherb 10% discount code OPA989,
australia (brisbane)
High or low lymphocytes and neutrophils are common in ebv, and cd8 lymphocyte counts are usually high in ebv. I think if u got these tested and again a couple months apart, with your titre readings than this may give you a stronger indication that its worth persuing??


Senior Member
Hi. I just got my test results back and my EBV count was EBV Ab VCA, IgG >8 while I had nothing listed under EBV Ab VCA, IgM. My doctor said my EBV Ab VCA, IgG was high. Normal range is <.80. So my question is what will my high EBV IgG titer do to my health. Does it mean that I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome? Any help is much appreciated.

Dr A Martin Lerner says that a positive diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infection requires a positive EBV-EA diffuse test and/or a positive EBV-VCA IgM test.


Senior Member
@mason1991 I agree with Hip and would ask for the EBV IgM and Early Antigen tests. I also has some other EBV tests (VCA, EBNA and PCR) and was positive on everything but the PCR. I am unclear on what all the different tests mean but I know that IgG alone usually only shows a past infection. After three mos on Famvir, although my early antigen test is still positive, the numbers have slightly gone down. Hope this helps!

Jonathan Edwards

What my concern is is that my EBV VCA IgG levels are high (above 8). I don't know what this means. I only know normal is >.80.

It means you have good IgG immunity to EBV. It does not mean that you have an active EBV infection. High antibody levels are a good thing - they protect you against microbes. The antibodies do you no harm. The 'normal range' is just the average range for the lab. There is nothing abnormal healthwise in having a higher level.

I never had my titers checked following the Valcyte treatment. I only took it for a month because the side effects (mostly upset stomach) were terrible.

Not sure what to make of the urinalysis you had completed. I would think your doctor would be able to distinguish any kind of infection that may be present. I know there are some tests that can detect borellia in urine, but I see mixed results regarding thier reliability.
It means you have good IgG immunity to EBV. It does not mean that you have an active EBV infection. High antibody levels are a good thing - they protect you against microbes. The antibodies do you no harm. The 'normal range' is just the average range for the lab. There is nothing abnormal healthwise in having a higher level.
That's a relief. Thanks for your analysis. I had a cold that reoccurred a week later which is why I thought I had CFS.
@bmoberg337 My doctor said that it might be fro E. coli but he didn't take anymore tests to see if that was the case.