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Eating sweets exhausts me


Senior Member
Before I got sick I ate my high-calorie chocolate-filled cereals for breakfast without any problem, and for snacks I had some chocolate or carbohydrates rich in sugar.

When I got sick I began to notice that sugar exhausted me, it made me feel anesthetized, carbohydrates and gluten have a similar effect but much milder than these...

I don't know why but I feel like an accumulation of inflammation in the body, it doesn't matter that I don't eat sugar or carbohydrates, that inflammation is as if it is blocked in the body.

I have been able to notice this in my daily life as with the passage of time my quality of sleep is worse, my concentration, my libido is low compared to when I started with the disease. And even though my illness has improved a lot, these symptoms do They have gotten worse.

I want to follow a strict ketogenic diet but it is very complicated for me and my pace of life, it gives me too much anxiety to give up certain foods, also in some moments when I am with other people it is impossible for me because I do not have access to this diet but yes to other sweet things and carbohydrates

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what could be happening to me?


Senior Member
I used to be exhausted after eating high-sugar food even before I got sick. Nothing strange there. These foods get blood sugar really high initially, and then blood sugar drops, causing tiredness. Also these foods increase inflammation, so people, who eat them regularly, are more tired in general.
When it comes to suggestions, I have 2 options.
1) Try keto. Some people find success with it, some don't. I personally don't like it, but maybe you are different, who knows. It wasn't beneficial for me, and I find it inconvenient
2) This is what I do. Always have plenty of fiber and/or protein and/or healthy fat in every meal you eat. That way you will avoid these blood sugar spikes. And also keep foods with added sugar in your diet to a minimum. For example, I only allow myself 2 cheat meals a month (on these days I eat any dessert I want during a meal), that way I avoid extra inflammation from sugar.
I mostly eat a mediterranean-style diet. After many experiments I found out, that it is the best option for me.
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Senior Member
Both fructose and glucose increase GRP78 which increase WASF3 levels. WASF3 which is currently shown to cause exercise intolerance/fatigue. Blocking WASF3 allowed mitochondria to produce energy at normal levels. The team then showed that extra WASF3 in the cells interfered with formation of the structures that mitochondria use to produce energy. To better understand the role of WASF3, the team engineered mice to produce excess WASF3. They found that, similar to people with post-exertional malaise, muscles in these mice were slow to recover after exercise. The mice also showed a 50% reduction in their ability to run on a treadmill, even though their muscle strength was comparable to mice without extra WASF3. https://medicalnewsbulletin.com/jou...c-encephalomyelitis-chronic-fatigue-syndrome/

Fructose activates the nucleotide-binding domain-like receptor protein 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. Sucrose (Table Sugar) is made up of glucose and fructose. https://forums.phoenixrising.me/thr...ic-fatigue-syndrome.90582/page-3#post-2442005 (More of a issue when inflammation levels are already high)

High glucose treatment, but not the osmotic control mannitol, induces csGRP78 expression through an ER stress–dependent mechanism. This is the same GRP78 that increases WASF3 levels. There are many 'roads' to increase NLRP3 and/or ER Stress. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6514638/ GRP78 levels were positively correlated with HbA1c and AGEs. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34591271/ Glucose deprivation strongly inhibited IFN-gamma (IFN-y) gene expression (increased by ifn-a, heavy exercise), whereas IL-2 production was little affected. Inhibition correlated with diminished phosphorylation of p70S6 kinase and eIF4E binding protein 1 and a requirement for de novo protein synthesis, whereas other signaling pathways known to regulate IFN-gamma expression were unaffected. Together, our data reveal that optimal induction of IFN-gamma transcription is a glucose-dependent process https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15814691/

the expression of hepatic GRP78 was significantly increased in fructose-fed mice https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378427412011666

IFN-y is also induced by intense exercise, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4849644/ and https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5484649/

Here, we report that IFN-γ rapidly increases protein synthesis and causes the unfolded protein response (UPR), as evidenced by the increased expression of glucose-regulated protein 78 (GRP78), activating transcription factor-4, and c/EBP homologous protein (CHOP) in cells treated with IFN-γ. The JAK1/2-STAT1 and AKT-mTOR signaling pathways are required for IFN-γ-induced UPR. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8366549/ So this is also the same GRP78 that increases WASF3 levels. The 24 hr delay for PEM correlates with IFN-y levels that are known to rise ~24 hrs after exertion.

Interferon-y (intensive exercise also is ifn-y), Interferon-α (IFN-a) and inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-a, have all been shown to induce metallothioneins in the research, which can all reduce zinc availability and then further reduce its uptake/absorption in the gut. NLRP3 activation also leads to IL-1b (and Il-6) and IL-18. Interleukin-18 (IL-18) synergizes with IL-2 to enhance cytotoxicity, interferon-gamma (IFN-y) production, and expansion of natural killer cells.

Zinc regulates ER Stress. https://forums.phoenixrising.me/thr...possible-treatment-for-cfs.37244/post-2451850 Zinc uptake/absorption is lowered and also becomes less available to utilize during chronic inflammation/infection when pro inflammatory cytokines are present since zinc is being sequestered into the cell and therefore is a central problem for all chronic inflammatory conditions.
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I also feel terrible after eating sugar. If I don't have it I don't miss it. As you say the main problem is when around others and the food options are less healthy.


Senior Member
I can eat small amounts of sugar but too much and I get racing heart and feel something like an unpleasant adrenaline surge. I also will then feel nauseous for quite some time after.


Senior Member
I want to follow a strict ketogenic diet but it is very complicated for me and my pace of life
Don't go to extremes. Keto is not for everyone. It is rather a lifestyle that is supposed to be kept forever. You may want to eliminate sugar first, then fast carbs, then carbs in some meals, then start keto and see if it works for you. Keep a phase until you feel convenient with it completely. Changes like these take time.


Senior Member
It depends on your individual gut microbes.

After an antibiotic killed off my bile acid metabolism microbes, I had problems with high-fat and protein foods, and did best on high carb - IE: lots of sweet fruit. After doing FMT from a specific donor that was able to restore the lost microbes, high fat was better for me. I've done lots more FMTs and each donor uniquely changes what foods are best for me.
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Senior Member
For me it depends on the kind of sugar and how much. Carbs themselves lightly do this no matter how I have, not as much. Sugar in general makes me really blunted and tired. I never have any extra sugar these days outside of sucking on a hard candy now and then I'm alright with. Fruit though? I get destroyed. There's something about fruit that brings on the worst brain fog, fatigue, and sensory blunting of all time. In fact I pushed through it over the Summer when I really declined in my health because I really wanted to explore the world of fruit and that is probably what heavily contributed to me going down.