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Eating late increases hunger, decreases calories burned, and changes fat tissue


Senior Member

The study showed that when you eat affects how your body deals with food. Some PWME complain about unexpected weight changes. ME often changes what and when we eat, so maybe this is one of the factors of weight change.

It sounds like a small effect, since they only found it by carefully eliminating other factors, but maybe ME magnifies the effect for some people. If you have unexpected weight change, think about whether your meal timing has changed. It's just one study, so maybe how much of what (carbs, fats, protein) you eat when, makes a difference.


Senior Member
If I don't eat late I can't sleep, which is directly the opposite of what they tell us should happen but time and again it shows for me the best way to sleep is to eat a couple of hours before I go to bed. I would love not to its not good for my health but then neither is not being able to sleep.
I can’t sleep if I don’t eat. But when I eat late, I have no need for breakfast as soon as I wake up. I do intermittent fasting, 16-20 hours a day. It decreases hunger, weight and calm down resting heartrate.


Psalm 46:1-3
Great Lakes
I'm the same. I have to eat before bed and when I get up the next day I'm usually not very hungry so don't end up eating for several hours most times.

Dr Ben Lynch said that hypoglycemic drops during sleep can actually cause someone to wake up more often during their sleep cycle. IIRC he recommends eating a small meal that includes a protein before bed if that is happening often.