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Easily Sunburn Face Due to Mercury in Brain?


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
Can anyone confirm whether having face that gets sunburn easily is due to mercury in the brain?

My face has always been easily sunburn which has gotten worse over the years. It is also darker than the rest of my body. A few months ago I took too high of a dose of ALA by mistake, and not only did my neurological symptoms get worse (which was pretty scary), my face now gets sunburn a lot more easily to the point where I need to drive with a mask on otherwise my face gets sunburn even when in the car for a few minutes!

Any other possible causes of my face getting sunburn easily? Even plucking eyebrows hurts. :-(


I also get a bad reaction from the sun from almost any exposure. I think it is part of many autoimmune issues. Mine is almost an instant reaction that may not actually be a sunburn but gets red and irritated for the next day with even a bit of sun. It's really annoying. Someone on an iherb review claims that B5 and PABA together helped them to not burn but they may have totally different causes. It might be worth a try though.


Senior Member
since I got sick with ME I have been having sun reactions. If I get very mild redness from the sun which is quick down in nz in summer I break out in hives.
I think its immune reaction/ relationship of some sort.:)


Senior Member
San Francisco
Some drugs, including some common antibiotics, cause you to be extra sensitive to sunlight. So can some skin treatments. Or you could just have sensitive skin. Perhaps you should see a dermatologist.


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
But I still wonder what is the link between sunburn and mercury? I notice after accidentally taking too high dose of ALA, my brain mercury symptoms worsened by a lot, and the sunburn problem was so bad that after driving around in broad daylight and coming home, my face was burnt! I had worn a mask while driving ever since.

Also I did not have much of this problem when I was a kid, before all those mercury amalgam fillings.


Senior Member
I have this sunburn problem, many years after the beginning of my CFS.

A few days ago, I stayed under the sun during 3h (only the face was not covered), it was shiny but not a burning sun, and I had a light sunburn on my face and nose after this exposure. It lasted two days then vanished. I noticed I can have sunburn on my arms easily too in the same conditions.

I don't really know why I'm so sensitive to the sun now.

My vitamin D2+D3 level is low. D2 is low, D3 is high. The information I gathered says it is because of the gut inflammation. I supplemented with vitamin D in the past, but that makes me more tired, and I'm not sure it is useful.