Hello, I think my disease is related to pure OCD, because intrusive music comes from inside of my head. I repeat the music I heard. I keep fixating on music I dont like. As you said, I have tried many SSRIs, but they make me worse. I dont know why they dont work for me.Hi Canan
I'm so sorry to read you've had this problem for so long. I had it for a week and it was hell. However it was transitory for me. I cannot imagine having it for 5 years - it would be like having a migraine or a very bad toothache for 5 years.
I think I agree with Cheesus and Googsta in this thread, that it has something to do with sympathetic nervous system activation and is perhaps a kind of OCD. I've noticed a general tendency these days to find it difficult to stop activities once I've started them (even though I may not even be enjoying them anymore!) and although I am not an anxious person now, I think I was as a child and young adult. So for me those two explanations have some precedence.
You don't say what you have already tried - I imagine after 5 years you might have tried a lot of different treatments. Have you tried strategies that calm the sympathetic nervous system and/or enhance the parasympathetic nervous system? Some of these may help in the short term.
Also, I would suggest (perhaps when you have gained some respite) you might like to look into Methylation and B12 Therapy, also known as Freddd's Protocol on this site. I am only at the beginning of implementing Freddd's protocol, so can't speak much from personal experience but if you read up about it on this site, there is a lot of evidence that supplementing with the right kind of active B12s can be a powerful tool for improving all kinds of brain and body symptoms of CFS.
Good luck and good health to you,
If you hear anything, please let me know.