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Earthing simple and cheap methods?


Senior Member
I use it with turmeric and other apoptosis stimulating treatments as part of a regimen I'm working on. During the regimen I get a return of the fasciculation response, then it goes numb, stops being tender and heals. Sometimes when I want to continue the apoptosis I skip it since it weakens the response, so I skip it occassionally. However, it is great after apoptosis is completed for energy recovery and good sleep. Overall, I'm making good progress and have eliminated the cold skin, photosensitivity and noise sensitivity and held the CFS at a moderate level. Exercise recovery and tolerance has greatly increased but the regimen drains a lot of energy so fatigue is still present. Before I could only do two sets of exercises and need three days recovery while now I'm at three sets without an increase in the recovery period. I've completely eliminated my sore throat and tender lymph nodes and stabilized my low immunity related oral health problems that led to extracting six teeth.

So feeling worse from earthing could be some kind of 'healing crisis'? When I combined it with an antibiotic, the herx was immense. On its own, I find it helpful for calming me down and facilitating sleep but I am also more depressed/inflamed the next day.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
So feeling worse from earthing could be some kind of 'healing crisis'? When I combined it with an antibiotic, the herx was immense. On its own, I find it helpful for calming me down and facilitating sleep but I am also more depressed/inflamed the next day.

No, its the opposite. Earthing suppresses apoptosis for the time period that you use it so it blocks the immune response, just like high dose antioxidants, that makes you feel better but is a hinderance when you're trying to kill virally infected cells. Blocking the response saves energy which can be used by the body for regeneration. It's a big help if its used properly. Timing is critical.

Apoptosis occurs when mitochondria are triggered either by the immune system (T cell antibodies) or by internal antiviral triggers and create reactive oxygen to explode the cell. Reactive oxygen is charged so earthing helps drain off the charge so it inhibits the process.


I believe that the reason CFS patients have symptoms after exercise is because the mitochondria are stuck midway through the apoptosis process, become leaky with reactive oxygen enough to block energy production but not enough to kill the cells. That leaves a person chronically unable to do aerobic respiration in these cells (Kreb's cycle) and at a huge energy deficit. The cells also have chronic inflammation so they are painful when touched.
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Senior Member
No, its the opposite. Earthing suppresses apoptosis for the time period that you use it so it blocks the immune response, just like high dose antioxidants, that makes you feel better but is a hinderance when you're trying to kill virally infected cells. Blocking the response saves energy which can be used by the body for regeneration. It's a big help if its used properly. Timing is critical.

Apoptosis occurs when mitochondria are triggered either by the immune system (T cell antibodies) or by internal antiviral triggers and create reactive oxygen to explode the cell. Reactive oxygen is charged so earthing helps drain off the charge so it inhibits the process.


I believe that the reason CFS patients have symptoms after exercise is because the mitochondria are stuck midway through the apoptosis process, become leaky with reactive oxygen enough to block energy production but not enough to kill the cells. That leaves a person chronically unable to do aerobic respiration and at a huge energy deficit. The cells also have chronic inflammation so they are painful when touched.

Sorry I'm a bit too brain fogged to fully comprehend. So how would blocking apoptosis lead to one feeling worse the day after earthing while asleep?


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Further surpressed immune response would cause more inflammation from the underlying infection. Remember, inflammation is painful.

When infection was high I could only tolerate treating every other day and had to take drugs to suppress all the inflammatory cytokines (alieve/ibuprofen) from the reaction. Pain was so high I was also on vicodin and gabapentin. I visited the Emergency Dept twice when I couldn't get vicodin (now I'm better so I no longer take it). And I was taking curcumin for the inflammation.
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Senior Member
Further surpressed immune response would cause more inflammation from the underlying infection. Remember, inflammation is painful.

When infection was high I could only tolerate treating every other day and had to take drugs to suppress all the inflammatory cytokines (alieve/ibuprofen) from the reaction. Pain was so high I was also on vicodin and gabapentin. And I was taking curcumin for the inflammation. Maybe you're overdoing the treatment period.

So in the presence of an infection, is earthing not necessarily a helpful thing? Or is the increased inflammation a temporary side-effect?


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
If you have a chronic latent herpes infection then it needs to be managed with curcumin to check the inflammation. Earthing helps the body recover. I'd try it every other day along with the curcumin to see how you do.


Senior Member
I use the natural method for grounding. Always when I go for a swim, I'm barefoot on forestpaths, and while sunbathing always touch the ground at least with my feet. Swimming provides the best grounding anyway. But then the benefits of the sun and other things, like forest bathing, are almost impossible to tease out. No bad side-effects in my case. With or without high inflammation blood markers.


Senior Member
If you have a chronic latent herpes infection then it needs to be managed with curcumin to check the inflammation. Earthing helps the body recover. I'd try it every other day along with the curcumin to see how you do.

Unfortunately my CFS is severe and I'm intolerant of most supplements etc at this point, including curcumin. I also have severe insomnia with limited treatment options; an earthing wristband is one of the few things that will reliably get me to fall asleep at this point, especially when completely desperate.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
Unfortunately my CFS is severe and I'm intolerant of most supplements etc at this point, including curcumin. I also have severe insomnia with limited treatment options; an earthing wristband is one of the few things that will reliably get me to fall asleep at this point, especially when completely desperate.

Ask your doctor if its ok to try naproxen sodium 2 pills twice daily while you take the curcumin. It will alleviate the cytokines. You can try it every other day and see if that's tolerable. Curcumin will lower inflammation and help you sleep.


Senior Member
Ask your doctor if its ok to try naproxen sodium 2 pills twice daily while you take the curcumin. It will alleviate the cytokines. You can try it every other day and see if that's tolerable. Curcumin will lower inflammation and help you sleep.

So the thing I'm confused about: would using an earthing sheet without controlling the inflammation it generates just make things worse? Or are there still eventual benefits if one is willing to tolerate the inflammation? Because what I've generally read is that earthing will help kill infections and that Lyme people tend to 'herx' from it.


Improved ME from 2 to 6
Alexandria, VA USA
I think that's wrong about earthing killing infections. The inflammation decrease from the curcumin you'll see is worth the body fighting harder. It lessens the inflammatory pain effects.