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Earthing: How are people doing these days?

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
As some time has passed, I'd like to hear how people are responding these days with their earthing products/strategies.

Wayne, thank you for introducing the topic. I've had my 1/2 sheet for a week.

It has really improved my sleep. For the first couple of days after using the sheet, I had some real ups and downs with energy during the day, but that has stabilized.

Although my sleep is better, it hasn't yet translated into better energy during the day, but maybe it will with time.

One weird thing I noticed: For a long time I have used the Alpha-Stim once or twice a week.

I used it once this past week and felt just wiped out the next day. For some reason, maybe the combination of earthing and the Alpha-Stim is too much for me.

No problem, though. I mainly used the Alpha-Stim to give my sleep a boost, but I don't really need that now since I'm sleeping grounded.

My husband hasn't noticed anything from the sheet, but he's blessed with good sleep and just doesn't have physical ailments.

My doctor tested the temperature of my hands and feet yesterday, and they were cooler than what is normal. Maybe as time passes, earthing will improve that for me.

I'm so happy I got the sheet. I'm definitely going to take it with me when I travel.


Senior Member
Good to hear that you are sleeping better, perchance.

I've been using the 1/2 sheet for over two months. I had a number of detoxing symptoms :headache: after I began using it that I can't attribute to anything else. These seem to have finally calmed down.

I've been sleeping well for the last week or so and have been able to stop using the small amount of gabapentin I normally take at bedtime. Better sleep has not yet translated into more energy.

I'm going to start adding Rich's folates to my bedtime meds since I'm already taking most of the other supplements in the simple methylation protocol. Because I've already done so much detoxing with earthing, I'm guessing that it might give me a bit of a head start.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member

I was doing so well with the grounding sheet. My sleep was longer and felt more sound, and I was remembering dreams again.

Then all the sudden my sleep regressed to where it was before I started using the grounding sheet. I'm also getting fibromyalgia flares, which I haven't had to this severity in a really long time. This poor sleep and flares have been going on a couple of weeks.

Last night I unplugged the sheet. I don't know what's going on, but I think I need a break.

I'll either take 3 days off completely or start plugging it in just for half the night.

Camas, I did read how you seemed to have some detox symptoms and cycling of old symptoms. Maybe I'm having something like that, too. Is it still going on for you?

Drat! I was doing so well. I'm not giving up on it, but some kind of change seems to be in order.


Senior Member
Sorry to hear about your setback, perchance. I think Wayne has had one too. Maybe you both had a delayed detox reaction?

I felt like I was most definitely detoxing right from the beginning. I finally started feeling better at about the two month mark when I noticed that my sleep improved. If I were to do it over again, I would have taken it more slowly.

I started Rich's simple methylation protocol after all that detoxing and it's only taken me a month to get up to the full doses he recommends with no problems. I've had a little bit more energy lately, so I don't know whether to attribute to the earthing, the methylation, or both. But I'll take what I can get.

Hope you are feeling better soon.


XMRV - L'Agent du Jour
Been using the 1/2 sheet about 3-4 months, maybe a bit more. Felt the difference almost immediately.

No longer need to use antihistamines to get to sleep.

When I first got ill it would take me hours to fall asleep and I'd wake often. I would sometimes be unable to get to sleep until 4am.

Now I usually fall asleep very quickly. I say 'usually' cos its not completely 'ME proof' and if I am particularly concerned about something I may lie there a lot longer! But in general its really working for me.

I still wake up in the night, but just go back to sleep within 15-20 minutes.

I am also still needing about 12 hours sleep a night and sleep in late, but its great quality deep sleep all night, not just in the early morning.

Hasn't impacted the illness, I am still ill, but sleep is excellent. For me, this puts paid to the idea that ME is some kind of sleep deficit disorder. It doesn't seem to be in my case.

I am really grateful to Wayne for posting the original info on the bedsheets and grounding. I got some UK adaptors from a UK company to make them UK safe for our electrical supply.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Update on earthing problems

I had started this thread and with my 2nd post noted problems with earthing. It improved my sleep so much at first, but then it got much worse, and I also got bad fibro flares at the same time.

I stopped using it for a week and then started again, but only used it 1/2 the night. I did that for a week with no problems. Then I started using it the whole night again.

Well, it worked! I'm sleeping much better now and am not plagued with fibro flares from it.

I've started reducing the number of supplements I take at night to boost the Xyrem. That's going well. I hope I can eventually stop using Xyrem.

When I was using the sheet just for the 1st half of the night, I unplugged the sheet and wore a Goodnightie nightgown the 2nd half of the night.

I had found out about Goodnightie night wear from the Fibro board on the ProHealth web site. This night wear has negative ions infused in the fabric.

It does help my sleep, but not nearly as much as the earthing sheet. I don't wear the nightgown while using the earthing sheet, though. I don't know how the two would interact.

I love dreaming again. My sleep studies have shown reduced REM sleep for several years, and my last study showed zero REM sleep. With the earthing sheet, I'm remembering dreams every night, so I assume my REM sleep has improved.

Thanks again, Wayne, for introducing us to earthing!


Senior Member
I'm interested in trying this, but I'm having a little trouble figuring out what to order on the internet. Any suggestions? I'm in the US.

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
I'm using the 1/2 grounding sheet, which fits across your fitted sheet. It's easy to wash and care for. The only thing is that you can't let creams, lotions, or oils touch it.

That took a little getting used to for me. You can use the sheet anywhere on the bed, but I use it at the bottom. Since my feet and legs contact the sheet, I don't wear lotion on my legs at bedtime. For me, dry night legs are totally worth the better sleep I'm getting!

You can wear lotion on any body parts that are not in contact with the sheet.


Senior Member
I decided to go super-cheap and start with the foot/wrist band. If it doesn't do anything, I'll go for the half sheet. Legs have to have skin contact with the half sheet, right? So no long pjs in winter?

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Yes, you must have some bare skin in contact with the grounding sheet.

Wayne said he had a friend who had good results with the foot/wrist band. Good luck, and let us know how it goes.


Senior Member
I'm using the band on acupuncture points while I'm at my computer. I muscle test to see which ones are out of balance and then strap the metal conductor over a hand or foot point. This is an easier way to balance meridians than what I was doing (since I don't really have to DO anything), and my sleep was better last night (day 2).

perchance dreamer

Senior Member
Excellent, Madietodd! It's great you are getting results with a less expensive method than the earthing sheet.

I'm not going to use the earthing sheet for 5 nights, if I can stick it out that long. I got prolotherapy injections in my knees yesterday, and it's really important to avoid anything that can have an anti-inflammatory effect for at least the first 5 days. Prolo purposely introduces a local inflammation, which as the body heals, causes the ligaments and tendons gradually to become stronger. Since earthing is supposed to reduce inflammation, it might interfere with the prolo.

So last night I wore my Goodnightie gown and took an Oxytocin for good measure. My sleep was okay, but not nearly as good as with the earthing sheet.


Senior Member
I took a melatonin last night and it kept me awake all night long. Sigh. So back to just the cuff, and I'll see how I sleep tonight. And if the cuff makes it better but doesn't quite get me all the way there, I'll get the sheet. One step at a time!

I hope you sleep well!